lieve one of the most spiritually pro ductive efforts would be to read the entire Gospel of John. Have him go through it as often as possible. Let him mark the number of times the key word believe is used. Nothing can take the place of reading the Bible itself. One further thought would be to suggest some of the splendid new books out which have been written by born-again scientists as well as other professions pointing out the reality of eternal life, the existence of God, and the need for personal salvation. Q. Cottage Grove, Ore---- “Has Noah’s ark ever been found? Does the big pyramid have any meaning for us today? Where will we spend the mil lennium ?” A. These are all unrelated questions, and yet they are interesting. First of all, Noah’s ark has never been found. There have been those claim ing they have seen it, but no reliable or authenticated proof has ever been produced. As to the pyramid to which you refer, it, with all of the others, was constructed as a magnificent burial place for the Pharaohs. These ornate mausoleums have no more meaning for us today than in the long ago. They simply reveal man’s con stant effort to preserve himself for eternity. But the works of our hands can never provide one second of sal vation. That comes only by faith in Christ’s atoning, sacrificial death. Some people assiduously study pyra- midology, trying to tell us that it holds the key to the Bible and proph ecy. How foolish and erroneous! The key to the whole Bible is that blessed One, the Lord Jesus Christ! As to the last question, we will spend the millennium in our resurrection bodies with the universe as the Christian’s future “playground.” We will be with the Lord Jesus Christ wherever He is. We will also be with those loved ones whom we have loved and lost awhile. “Eye hath not seen, nor ear 20
heard, neither hath entered the heart of man, the things that God hath pre pared for them who love Him!” Q. El Cajon, Calif. — "7 have always been taught to believe that if one is really born again, nothing can sepa rate him from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus. Friends of mine of another church believe that if you get away from the Lord, you’ll be lost. What other Scriptures do we have in addition to my favorite verse, Romans 8:38, 39?” A. In all actuality, while there are many others, there’s really none more important! Consider such reassuring words as John 6:37-47. This is a tremendous passage, giving in the very words of our Lord Jesus Christ, the certainty of the fact that if one truly gives his heart and life to the Saviour, he has the wonderful assur ance that he will never be lost but from henceforth, forevermore, have eternal life. Of course, there are many other verses, such as the favor ites John 10:27-30 and I Peter 1:5. Q. Wichita, Kans. — “I don’t know if I ’m saved. How can one have knowl edge that he is born again?” A. Salvation is based on the finished atonement of Christ on Calvary’s Cross. It is assured by fact in Scrip ture. Read such passages as John 1:12; 3:16-18; 5:24, etc. You see, it’s not a question of whether you feel saved. Trust the Word of God, for this is all that you need. Dr. R. A. Torrey used to say, “God said it. Jesus did it. I believe it. That set tles it!” Q. Phoenix, Ariz. — “There’s one pas sage in the Bible that bothers me. I t’s I Corinthians 11:20-22. Does this mean that we should not have pot- luck suppers in our churches?” A. No doubt the entire idea grew out of the early church’s desire for
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