iour give us, as believers, discernment so that we may know just when to re main silent as well as when to speak.
areas of discussion and thought that would be spiritually productive? A minister visited an asylum to help some of the patients. He saw a poor man galloping down the hall astride a broom, oblivious to the fact he was do ing anything irregular. He asked the preacher, “How do you like her?” Not knowing quite what to say, the preach er complimented him: “That’s quite a horse!” The inmate indignantly re sponded, “This isn’t a horse! It is a hobby horse! Don’t you know the dif ference, mister? Why, you can get off a horse but you can never get off a hobby horse!” That was quite a lesson and should speak volumes to those who continually dwell on the same and often irrelevant issues. It is sad to see those so obsessed that .they ride their hobby horse to death. Such a practice can easily lead to cynicism and criti cism. Others understandably will avoid their fellowship. In the Bible, Paul warns people about doting on questions which can only gender strife. We need to let the true subject of our lives and conversation be that of Jesus Christ and Him crucified. Don’t let diverting “hobby-horse” Christianity keep you from spiritual growth, maturity, and effective witness. LUNAR LICENSE For the past years, and especially with the recent moon probes by our astronauts, people have been greatly interested in outer space. Not too long ago, at the Benton County Clerk’s office in Corvallis, Oregon, officials were rather astounded. A young couple came in to announce that they wanted to record their deed to an acre of land on the moon. Quite an enterprising idea! A bit perturbed and startled, au thorities pointed out that they don’t have authority over lunar or celestial deeds and claims. The Corvallis couple wasn’t fooling. It seems they had pur chased real estate on the moon from a 27 Go with God as far as you can see, and when you get there, He will allow you to see even farther.
Today’s tragedy is the fact that we may know the price of eveiything but realize the value of nothing.
TASTE TO PROVE If your life is frustrated, filled with misery and misunderstanding, taste of the Lord and see that He is gracious in meeting your every need, no matter what that might be. One day an atheist was proudly pro claiming in the town park his contempt and hatred for the things of God. Very quietly, a man standing nearby, who had been saved from a life of alcohol ism, stepped up to the center of the crowd. He politely interrupted the speech by the simple act of taking, an orange out of his pocket, proceeding to peel it. Without saying a single word, he devoured every bit. Then he turned to the exasperated infidel who demand ed what he was going. The Christian kindly asked him, “Sir, would you be good enough to tell me, as well as all of these people, whether or not the orange I just ate was sweet or sour?” Well, you can imagine; the atheist was all the more infuriated and disturbed. He exclaimed, “How should I know? I never had the opportunity of tasting it?” The believer clinched his point, “Then why don’t you stop criticizing the Gospel until you have tasted it?” It’s a fact, my friend; only when you know Christ as Saviour will you realize He is all and all to those who put their trust in Him.
God who is wise enough to make a perfect man is loving enough to make a fallen one.
HOBBY HORSES ' Have you ever known anyone who seems to delight in dwelling on one pet subject, rather than considering mature
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