them that His new body was as real, as actual, as substantial a body, as the body in which He had lived and died. Gleason stated; “We need to note that Christ had a body of flesh and bones. Paul tells us that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God and this is true. Bodies of flesh and blood are decaying, dying bodies and certainly corruption cannot in herit incorruption. But Christ’s res urrection body was not flesh and blood but flesh and bones! May not this be the explanation? The life of this natural body is in the blood. The life principle of the new body is the Spirit of God in that body. I t is a spiritual body because life is ani mated and sustained by the Spirit of God.” It’s always bad taste to feel bitter, because it’ll only make you sour! Darkness can’t put out the lamp; all it can do is to make it shine more brightly!
body did not He actually eat food before His disciples? Did not He ask Thomas to touch His hands and feet and side? When His body was touched, it was found to be no ghost, but of flesh and bones. The Scrip ture says in I John 3:2 that “we shall be like Him,” which simply means that we will have a body as actual and substantial as He had af ter His resurrection. 3. The resurrection body is inti mately and vitally connected to this present body. Riley stated: “It is ‘This vile body,' that is to be made like unto His glorious body. There is the same vital connection between the body that is buried and the body that is raised as exists between the seed planted in the ground, and the flower that springs from it.” (I Cor. 15: 44), “It is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body.” Vine declares: It is at this point that we are told that the new resur rection body springs from the old natural body. This is known also in the resurrection of Christ. It was the body of Jesus Christ that was raised from the dead. It was not that His Spirit was raised and clothed with a new body; it was the actual body that died and was buried that was raised again. 4. The resurrection body will have tremendous similarities to the resur rected body of Christ. The Scripture plainly tells us that our present bodies will be fashioned by a God of omnipotence like unto Christ’s glorious body. Now the res urrected body of Jesus was a real body that could be seen and touched. It was Jesus who said to His own disciples in Luke 24:39, “Behold my hands and my feet that it is I my self : handle me and see; for a spirit hath not flesh and bones as ye see me have.” He was not a spirit. He was a glorified man in His resurrec tion body and He was trying to show
A microphone to one sideanda Bible in hand is a familiar position for Dr. LloydT. Anderson, featured Tuesdays and Thursdays over"The Biota Hour." Dr. Andersonis pastor of the Bethany Baptist Church of WestCovina in Southern California.
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