Biola Broadcaster - 1969-06

stand for Question. Begin asking yourself, “What is the purpose of this portion of Scripture? To whom was it written? Why was it placed here?” Use a notebook to jot down ideas. They will always lead to other helpful thoughts. The “R” means to Re-read. Now, in the quietness of your own place selected for private devotions, and this may require get­ ting up a little earlier, go over the selected portion more slowly and meditatively. Ask the Spirit of God especially to illumine your heart. The “S” we’ll let stand for the word State. Put down what you have learned in your own words. State what you believe this portion of Scripture is teaching, and more par­ ticularly what you’ve learned from it. Here again, your own notebook will be invaluable. How else will you be able to remember these important things you gain? There’s one thing, too, about writing things down: it helps you to retain it in your own mind. “T” is Test yourself. Begin to probe, “What did I learn from this message? How has it enriched my life? Is it possible to apply some of the things for myself that have come as a result of the study?” These are the five cardinal rules for study. I guarantee that if you follow this sim­ ple formula, you’ll find it greatly used of the Spirit of God to chal­ lenge and enrich your life for the Lord. As Paul says, “Study to show thyself approved unto God.” He is calling for an eager and earnest in­ quiry to be made in anticipation of what you’ll discover. C hapter T wo The idea behind studying the Word of God is much like that of mining for gold or other precious substances in the earth. It was more than a cen­ tury ago when men discovered gold in the hills of California. Some struck it rich and came out with treasures. If only they had known that in the dirt and mud which they washed

aside.” We need to apply our own hearts assiduously to the study of God’s Word. Doubtless there may be certain things we’ll have to set aside. They may not be bad things but they’re not the best. Such things as television, radio, magazines, social engagements, even activities of your church, if they stand in the way of that necessary fellowship you must have in the study of God’s Word, must be curtailed. Do not overlook diligence, the bending of every effort to the appli­ cation of' the Scripture to our own hearts day by day. The gifted pian­ ist Paderewski testified, “If I miss practice for two days, my family knows it. If I go three days without practicing, the audience knows it. If I go four days without practicing, the whole world knows it!” That’s quite a point, which should bring us to the personal question, “How long has it been since I really studied the Word of God?” How much time elapses between an earnest study of the Bible, which you do, yourself, through the power of God’s Holy Spirit? Thinking about study, let’s make it practical. Keep in mind the letters P.Q.R.S.T. They offer the basic rules for personal study of God’s Word. First, of all, "P” stands for the word, Preview. Try this in your study of the Scripture. Go over a chapter, or even an entire book of the Bible, very rapidly. Take a short epistle like Philippians which would lend itself well for this purpose. Pre­ view or scan it. In such a perusal you’ll gain an over-all idea as to what’s inside it. Then, let the “Q” 4 It’s much easier to get a good reputa­ tion than it is to lose a bad one.

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