dustrious creatures had come from a cold climate in the Northern part of the United States. When the bees arrived in the Barbados, they in stinctively began going around gath ering honey. It was warm and they considered it to be summer. They knew they should prepare for winter. But, before long, their nature told them that the winter hadn’t come. In this land of perpetual heat and sun shine it would never come. So, ac cording to naturalists in this island paradise, the bees quit gathering honey and started going around stinging the people. Instead of being a blessing, they were a curse. There is a spiritual parallel here for us. If we get our eyes off the fact that this is the summer-time of harvest, and that the winter blasts are sure to come, failing to continue gather ing honey from God’s Word, we’ll soon become sour, critical and cynical in all we do and say. Like these bees
tion, “Don’t pray for tasks equal to your power, but rather ask the Lord for power equal to your tasks.” Isn’t it a fact that too often we’re ready to get by with just the bare essen tials, with just the minimum require ment? Think what could happen if we really let the Lord have His way! We attempt to work for God up to the limit of our incompetency, rather than earnestly expecting that we can serve up to the limit of God’s omni potence. A few weeks ago I was talking to an architect who will be assisting in some of the buildings for Biola. I mentioned a super market out in the San Fernando Valley which had re cently collapsed. People were busy shopping when someone noticed that the wall seemed to move. Another person thought she saw the ceiling tremble. All of the customers and em ployees were hurried out of the store. Before too long, the ceiling collapsed and the walls caved in. My question to the architect was, “In a case like that, who’s responsible for the dam age and huge costs involved? Would it be the architect, the contractor or the engineer?” He replied with a laugh, “Well, let’s just say that for now there are a lot of red faces.” You see, this is exactly what this verse of Scripture is teaching. We should serve the Lord in such a man ner that we might be workmen who won’t have to blush. There’s a verse in the Bible I found only recently in study. I had never really seen it before and it’s one of the most pene trating statements in Scripture. It certainly is one of the most damag ing for my own personal pride, yet it’s one that needs to be applied to our own individual hearts. Look at Jeremiah 48:10, “Cursed be he who doeth the work of the Lord negligent ly.” Some years ago, hives of bees were taken down to the beautiful Barbados Islands, where colonies of the winged creatures were set up. The little in
Mr. Deward Lowrey (right), representing Biola in the state of Washington, as well as the province of British Columbia, looksover development plans with Mr. John Isaac, directorof the Biola Stewardship Department. Looking on is Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland, Biola president. Mr. Lowrey is a graduate of the school anda former missionary to Africafrom which field he had to return due to ill health in his family.
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