Morgan Pleasure Driving Horse Division

Wednesday Matinee To be shown to an appropriate two-wheeled vehicle. Driver only permitted in vehicle. One attendant without a whip must head each horse. To be shown at a walk, pleasure trot and road trot. Morgan Pleasure Driving Open ..................................................................


Entry Fee $55

Friday Evening

153 Morgan Pleasure Driving Open Championship ................................................ To be eligible, horses must be entered, shown and judged in Class 34. Entry Fee $65

Morgan Classic Pleasure Horse Division

In Classic Pleasure classes, the weight of the shoe, including rim pad must not exceed 16 oz., and the length of the toe including shoe and pad must not exceed 4 1/2 “. Classic Pleasure classes are open to amateurs only. Headers and attendants must be amateurs or individuals eligible for amateur status. No stripping required in Championship classes.

Morgan Classic Pleasure Saddle Classes To be shown at a walk, pleasure trot, road trot and canter. ......................................


Morgan Classic Pleasure Saddle Adult Amateur

Wednesday Matinee

Entry Fee $55


Morgan Classic Pleasure Saddle Jr Exhibitor

Thursday Evening


Entry Fee $55

156 Morgan Classic Pleasure Saddle Ladies

Friday Evening


Entry Fee $55

207 Morgan Classic Pleasure Saddle Championship ........................................... To be eligible, horses must be entered, shown and judged in Class 38, 97 or 156. Entry Fee $65

Saturday Matinee

Morgan Classic Pleasure Driving Classes

Thursday Matinee To be shown to an appropriate two-wheeled vehicle at a walk, pleasure trot and road trot. Morgan Classic Pleasure Driving ..................................................................


Entry Fee $55

Friday Morning

110 Morgan Classic Pleasure Driving Championship ............................................ To be eligible, horses must be entered, shown and judged in Class 74. Entry Fee $65

Morgan Western Pleasure Classes

To be shown at a walk, jog and lope, with light rein but still maintaining contact with the horse’s mouth. The judge may ask for an extension of any gait. Horses may be asked to back. No stripping required in Championship classes. 9 Morgan Western Pleasure Open ................................................................ Wednesday Morning

Entry Fee $55

Morgan Western Pleasure Junior Horse


Wednesday Morning


Entry Fee $55

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