1.Horses in the Academy classes MUST be lesson horses regularly used in a professionally operated lesson program. Horses are not to be judged. 2.Horses MUST be flat/keg shod. Corrective shoeing will be allowed WITHOUT excessive pads. Soundness is not to be considered. 3.Horses may be shown in snaffles and martingales or full bridles. 4.Flat cutback English type saddles are to be used. 5.Academy Horses may cross enter in the show division at this show. Show horses (horses not used regularly in a professional lesson program and show regularly in the show performance or equitation Rules for the Academy Division Open to All Seats/Disciplines! 1.Horses are NOT judged. Horses in the Academy classes MUST be lesson horses used regularly in a professionally operated academy program. These horses must display the characteristics of such. 2.All Academy classes are to be judged on the ability of the RIDER to control and show their horses to the best advantage. 3. Academy Equitation classes are judged on BASIC equitation skills with correct diagonals and leads. 4. Academy Showmanship classes should be judged on the rider’s horsemanship abilities. The horse is NOT to be judged. It should be judged on the rider’s ability to control and show their horse. Promptness in finding the correct diagonals and canter leads are important as well as the rider’s command of the horse. For example: speed, placement in the ring and collectiveness. Riders 1.No full riding suits. Helmets are preferred over derbies. Jackets are not allowed. 2.Riders must be participating in a professionally operated lesson program and show on lesson horses. 3.A rider may own his/her horse as long as the horse is REGULARLY used in the lesson program. 4.A rider may not cross enter between the academy and show division at this show. 5.Once a rider has shown in a walk/trot/canter class at this or any horse show, they may not enter a walk and trot only class. Horses

classes) may NOT cross enter in the Academy division. 6.Hoof blacking is optional. Braiding is not allowed.

7.Horses should be owned or leased by the instructor or lesson program. Horses in training will not be allowed. No tail sets allowed. Chains or other action devices must not be used on the show grounds.

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