

CANDICE VETTER Scholarly paper on Cholowski Hill published bedrock higher than the flat clay plain that dominates most of Eastern Ontario, and preparing his paper.

The shale is locally famous, having pro- vided high-quality brick-making shale for Russell Brick, and later for Canada Brick, and is designated provincially protected, and a significant resource. Wallach’s paper indicates the shale was pushed up in the Quaternary (current) Era, meaning recently in geologic time scales. The relationships of the hill to the magnetic anomaly suggest the hill resulted from re- peated tectonic uplift along faults , most of which show no surface expression. Two exceptions are the North Russell and East Ridge faults, which are topographically vis- ible at the surface and extend along the spine of the hill. The eroded scarps are vis- ible in locations such as the North Russell Union Cemetery.

RUSSELL l A scholarly paper by Russell res- ident and geologist Dr. Joe Wallach sug- gesting the red shale hill north of Russell was uplifted by tectonic forces has been published in a recent issue of the Cana- dian Journal of Earth Sciences. Wallach had specialized in fault lines and earthquakes as they relate to nuclear contaminant migration. Now retired, he suspected Cholowski Hill (named for late resident Walter Cholowski) was tectonically uplifted, and when it was proposed as a landfill site he and his magnetometer be- came a familiar site. He spent close to four years studying the hill, which is composed of Queenston Formation (Ordovician) shale

Photo Candice Vetter

A scholarly paper by Russell resident and geologist Dr. Joe Wallach suggesting the red shale hill north of Russell was uplifted by tectonic forces has been published in a recent issue of the Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences. Russell Township is part of the Western Quebec Seismic Zone, a zone of high seis- mic activity and many active faults. Quick support for local festival funding Russell Township councilors were quick to confirm funding in advance of next year’s municipal budget for two community groups and their popular local festivals. Council gave unanimous approval during its De- cember 8 regular session to an ad- hoc community grant of $5000 cash to the Russell Kin Club, along with an in-kind grant worth $5000 for use of the community hall for next Februa- ry’s Russell Winter Carnival. Council also approved an $8000 ad-hoc cash grant and an in-kind grant valued at $8000 for use of municipal facili- ties to Embrun Leisure Association for support of that group’s annual Embrun Winter Carnival and Sum- merfest. Both grant approvals will be included as confirmed parts of the 2015 community grants allocation when the new council and city staff work on next year’s budget discus- sions in January.

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