gŏđŏ Popcorn for PALS
Des chants et de la danse
Photo Candice Vetter
Dimanche dernier, les élèves de danse et de chant de la Maison des Arts, à Embrun, ont donné un spectacle de Noël gratuit aux résidents de la communauté. Ils étaient 132 danseurs et six chanteuses, âgés entre 6 et 15 ans, à monter sur scène pour le plus grand plaisir des 400 spectateurs qui s’étaient déplacés pour l’occasion.
Photo Candice Vetter
R ejean and Raymonde Leblond, both long-time teachers at Russell Public School, were two of the volunteers selling popcorn at the school’s recent Holly Carnival to raise money for PALS - Playground Activity Leaders in School. The program trains Grade 5 and 6 students how to organize sports for primary school students. M. Le- blond says it has been a great programwithmany benefits for both the older students and the younger ones. R OYALE VENDING SALE l SERVICE l RENTALS KEURIG COMMERCIAL WAREHOUSE ROYALE VENDING More than 300 kcups to choose from OPEN TO THE PUBLIC CHRISTMAS SPECIAL AND UP BOX OF 24 $ 12 MIX YOUR OWN BOX OF 24 Thanks to all our customers Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and all the best in 2015
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