Christian Home Series
by Dr. W. Robert
T here is a vital need today for fathers to realize the strategic responsibilities they have in the home. These have been ordained of God. If they are not followed tragic results are sure to occur. The children of Is rael were plainly told this and were continually admonished as to their specific responsibilities (Deut. 6:4-9). Men don’t seem to realize that when Scripture says a father who does not provide for his child is worse than an unbeliever, it is not talking about mere food. The teaching of the Word concerns providing everything for the child necessary for the proper maturation in all areas of potential deve lopment , but particularly in things pertaining to the Spirit. We are to provide examples of Christ- likeness through a loving heart and a joyful experience in the home. There must be adequate leadership which has both purpose and meaning. In stressing the need for a family altar while speaking to a men’s group, the Holy Spirit touched one man’s heart. He told me several months later, “You know, Dr. ‘Bob,’
when you said those things in our church, I was deeply distressed and humbled. At suppertime the next day I told my family, ‘Now, dear ones, don’t go away; I want you to come into the living room.’ We all sat down and I got the Bible which we had never read before. First of all I asked them to forgive me. I told them that I had a love for God but hadn’t mani fested it like I should. In our home I now realized I was the one who was to take care of the spiritual responsi bilities of my household. This should be in both instruction and example. I said, ‘We have never had a family altar. We are going to start tonight. I want you to help your father.’ After reading the Bible, although I had never prayed in public, we did so by starting with the Lord’s prayer. We’ve carried it on for sev eral weeks, and it is remarkable the difference in the attitude we have seen even in this short time with a family altar.” How thrilling such testimonies are. We encourage you to have a time when you can have joyful fellowship with one another and the Lord. Don’t be discouraged and give up. Keep the practice going, even though you have to miss now and again. Among the interesting questions we have received here at “The Biola Hour,” this is one which is fre quently asked: “In the case of a sec ond marriage, where the new mother is not accepted by the children, what is there that she can do? How should she treat them? Can you suggest ways by which she can counsel with them? Should she strive to be a mother to them or merely a friend?” First of all, you will have to pro ject yourself into the lives of the chil dren. Sometimes a new mother finds the children are not ready to accept 19
Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland (right),Biola president, looks overa copyof the Bible in Japanese with Dr. ReubenA. Olson, directorof Translations and the Editorial Division of the Lockman Industrial Park Foundation, La Habra, Calif. Dr. Sutherland was recentlyprivileged to travel in the Orient on behalfof the Foundation introducing an Im portant new edition of the Scripturesto the Japanese people.
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