Biola Broadcaster - 1966-04

Have You Voted forBiola This Month?

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558 South Hope Street Los Angeles, Calif. 90017

I listen over station □ Good

... reception is: □ Poor

□ Fair

I am enclosing $ help "Keep the Gospel on the air." □ I would like to receive the monthly Biola Fellowship publica­ tion, THE BROADCASTER. As the Lord enables me I will en­ deavor to participate in this program of faith each month with a gift of $............................... becoming a member of the Biola Fellowship. (Biola Fellowship members receive a packet of 24 envelopes to expire in two years for monthly contributions.) □ I would like to subscribe to THE K ING 'S BUSINESS maga­ zine. (Those who contribute $5.00 per month automatically re­ ceive this magazine after their third gift has been received.) Name ................................................ ........................ Address ...................................................................... City and State ................................... Zip Code ............ L I T T L E I S M U C H WH E N GOD IS IN $1.00 A MONTH will enable us to coverthe costof duplicating andmailing a broadcasto one of the stations on "Tho Biola Honr" net­ work of radio facilities. $10.00 A M0HTH will enable us to distrib­ ute Christian literature to prisons,armybases and foreign mission stationsfrom which re­ quests constantlycometo Biola.

$25.00 A MONTH will enableus to pay for a daily broadcast on one of tho many stationsnow carrying "The Biola Hour.”

$5.00 A MONTH will enablens to roach approximately 10,000 people, according to surveys, with tho daily Biola radio testimonies.

I l e i p k e e p tlte G o s p e l on th e a ir t i ll C h r is t eom es in th e a ir !


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