QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS w ith Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland, President, the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, and Dr. Charles L. feinberg, Dean, Talbot Theological Seminary
Q . Castro Valley, Calif. — “Who do you feel the two witnesses are in Revelar tion l i t I think they are Moses and Elijah. Would you concur?” A. The answer can only be specula tion. The Word of God does not def initely tell us. There are an appreci able number of Bible students who believe that Moses and Elijah are the two witnesses. The miracles to be per formed by them were common to them during their lifetime upon the earth. Another reason is that no one knows how Moses died. Elijah was caught up in a whirlwind. It is well to remember that a whole generation of Christians will not die normal deaths. For, in a moment, “in the twinkling of an eye,” the dead shall be raised incorruptible and shall be changed. The matter of the identity of the two is something about which we will have to wait upon the revelation of the Lord in eternity. Sacramento, Calif. — “A false cult has a program after ‘The Biola Hour.’ Every day they advertise a free Bible course. 1 am concerned that some un saved person will be misled.” A. This is certainly a real problem. In America, however, where all shades of religious opinion are allowed (free dom we favor, of course), there are many things said which lead people away from the truth. We urge in dividuals to check carefully all publi cations. Often times cults come in in
sidiously, seeking to hide their true identity. Then, too, be careful about things given away free. These are days when there is much confusion and great concern should be given. Careful scrutiny should also be direct ed toward Christian organizations as to their reliability not only in doc trine, but also in morals and ethics. Q . Tempe, Ariz. “Do you think that II Corinthians 5:8 is a proof that at death the Spirit of the believer in Christ goes directly into the presence of the Lord? It seems to me that this text is very conclusive along with Philippians 1:21 and 23.” A. We certainly concur in this. There are those who believe in the erron eous and unscriptural view of “soul- sleeping.” This states that when a per son dies his soul sleeps until the great judgment day. This concept, however, has no basis whatsoever in the Bible. The body dies and returns to the ele ments but the soul lives on forever. If one is a believer, his soul goes di rectly into the presence of the Lord. Q . Cutler, Calif. — “In John 18:36, we read the words, ‘My kingdom is not of this world.’ Why did Jesus make this statement and liken His coming one thousand year reign as King of the earth? Many try to make this a spir itual kingdom.” A. It is erroneous to make this a 23
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