Q . Huntington Beach, Calif. — “Does John 3:5 refer to water baptism sug gesting that this is necessary to sal vation?” A. Jesus said, “Except a man is born of water and the Spirit he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God.” This is a central passage concerning sal vation. The new birth is first men tioned in John 1:12-13. Let it be clearly stated that water baptism will save no one. There is no ordinance, ritual or religious system which can save a man (Acts 16:30, 31). An in dividual who receives the Lord as his Saviour will want to make that eter nal work manifest in a public confes sion through baptism. A parallel pas sage is Ezek. 36:25 to 27. Water in Israel represented cleansing. The Holy Spirit represents that which God does by way of cleansing. The meaning is that except one be born of water, that is to say the Spirit, he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God. Other portions of Scripture to consider for further illumination are Eph. 5:25 to 27, Titus 3:5 and John 7:37 to 39. It is the Spirit of God who has won derful cleansing power by the washing of water through the Word. The washing of water is the regenerating work of the Spirit of God. This is the only way by which an individual is born again.
are going to be brought before rulers for a testimony (Rev. 7). It is then that the Gospel is going to be preached throughout all the nations. These faithful ones will be hated of all men for Christ’s sake. Enduring to •the end refers to the end of the Tribu lation period. This r e l e as e comes through the visible appearing of their Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ who will reign upon the earth for a thou sand years. The word “elect” does not refer to the same people throughout the entire Bible. As an example Deut. 14:2 refers to God’s chosen people, Is rael. Ephesians 1 reveals that believ ers are the elect, chosen in Christ be fore the foundation of the world. God has more than one elect people. One is for a heavenly purpose while the other is for an earthly purpose. This is the picture of the Church and Is rael respectively. Q . San Diego, Calif. — “Covld you dis cuss the two natures of the believer?” A. One of the clearest passages is found in the third chapter of 1st John, although the first three chap ters also bear pertinently on the sub ject. There is the nature of evil from Satan and the God nature from the Lord. Every man is born with the old nature (Gal. 5:17), however, when by faith we become new creatures in Christ, we have this immediate con flict (Rom. 7). Keep in mind that when a person becomes a Christian the old nature is not made over. We have to be completely and wholly born again. This is the working of the Holy Spirit within our lives. The new nature cannot sin for it is born of God. Our Adamic nature can come into supremacy and the individual will sin. Whether we live a defeated or a victorious life in Christ de pends upon which nature is allowed to have the supremacy. It is a terrible thing for a Christian to sin, and yet, if we confess our sins, thank God, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all un righteousness.
Mr. Roger Booth, program director for KBBW, San Diego,takeshis turn at the broadcastingconsole of Biola's Christian station. "The Biola Hour" may now be heard in San Diego over KBBW at 8:00 A.M. and again each evening at 9:00 P.M. The station broadcasts stereo programs throughout he day with the major emphasis upon good Christian music. Its sisterstation is KBBI, LosAngeles. Both facilities are supervisedby the Rev. Thomas E. Steele, directorof Radio for Biola.
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