itually speaking, however, when we know and love Jesus Christ as Saviour, we are filled with the indwelling pres ence and transforming power of God’s Holy Spirit. “With God, all things are possible!" * * * Too many people are humbleand know it. * * A GOD'S POWER Headed for missionary service in China, the captain of the ship be came intrigued by RobertMorrison’s unique plans. He asked him frankly, “Do you really expect to have results there? Look at it this way, Mr. Morri son, what kind of an impression can you possibly make on an empire with its teeming millions steeped in idol wor ship?” The stalwart man of God re sponded with a smile of determination, “Personally, I know that I can do noth ing; but you see, because these are peo ple for whom Christ died, I know God is going to do His mighty work!" Thrill ing missionary history reveals how true he was. I f your life is as humble as a “barn door," then the Holy Spirit can motivate and empower you for the glory of the Lord. Remember that God waits to do in us, and through us, that which is “exceeding abundantly above all we could ask or think.” * * * A hypocrite is like a pin — he points one way'and heads the other. * * * IM ITATO RS How wonderfully all of nature reveals the creative handiwork of God. Consider the common little mocking bird with which the Lord has endowed almost un believable abilities of sound imitation, all the way from a squeaking pump han dle to the whistle of a traffic policeman. “Minus Polyglottos” is its Latin name which appropriately means “a many - tongued mimic** This little winged crea-
REM INDER OF HOME When he was only 20 years old the famed composer Chopin left his native Warsaw to present concerts throughout the cities of Europe where his musical abilities were acclaimed. Yet, in all of the triumphs he won, he was tormented by the feeling that he would never see his native land again, h e had a small silver cup filled with Polish soil. When ever he travelled, that precious chalice was always near him. Two decades later, while in Paris, he died of tuberculosis. As his coffin was lowered friends hadn’t forgotten the geninus’ prized possession. Thoughtfully they scattered the Polish soil over his grave. Although he trav elled extensively throughout the con tinent his heart was still in Poland. This certainly should remind us of the fact that as children of God we may be in the world but not necessarily do we need to be of it. We should consider our selves pilgrims journeying toward that blessed land where time shall be no more. I f you are a believer, having placed your faith and trust in the Re- demer, remember your citizenship is in heaven from whence also we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ. A person pays twice for liquor: once when he gets it, and second when it gets him. * ft * SOARING POWER It was Orville Wright, credited for being co-inventor of the airplane, who forcefully declared, “Give me enough power and I ’ll fly around the world on nothing more than an old barn door." He realized it wasn’t the object on which he rode that determined the impact, but rather the power behind it. So it is with our lives. Of ourselves, who could say that he is much more than a simple, plain, unimpressive “bam door"? Spir
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