to make certain of the way in which our tongues are used so that we may wholly glorify the Lord. The Word of God ex horts us, “Who is a wise man and en dued with knowledge among you? Let him show, out of a good conversation, his works with meekness of wisdom." h * * He who cannot pray when the sun shines, doesn't knowhow to pray when the clouds come. * * * GOD'S GREEN PASTURES A ship was loaded with a cargo of sheep destined for Australia. Nearing the day for landing, however, a heavy fog settled around them and they were not able to move. The depressive blanket of mist hung low over the ship. While the captain has his problems, the sheep keeper had even more. He reported, “I don’t know what we can do. These ani mals refuse to eat; they won’t touch the hay I’ve given them. I f they wait much longer they’ll starve to death.” Just as all was in despair, however, the bank lifted. There, within eyesight, was land; hills spread in all their beauty with wide grassy green fields. Enveloped in im penetrable fog the ship might have been a 100 miles out to sea. The sheep, with their keen senses, however, knew that fresh grass was near. That was why the dry hay had no attraction for them. When one is feasting upon the riches of Christ, he will not be interested in the foolish and dry allurements of this world. Do you remember when David said of the Lord, “He maketh me to lie down in green pastures.” Why is it that God has to force us to eat of the tender grass He has so mercifully provided when we pursue the dry stubble and dirt of this world? Let us realize anew and afresh each day that the Lord knows what is best for us. He is our Shepherd; trusting Him we shall not want. * * * The best exercises for the heart is to reach down and lift up some other person. . . . H EAD ING UP While visiting New York City, a fa ther took his family to see the Manhat tan skyline viewed from the Empire State Building. As they rose higher and higher, the little boy watched the floor numbers flashing on the elevator indi cator: US, 30, 35, iO. It seemed they would never stop. Finally he squeezed his fathers hand and said, “Daddy, does
ture can imitate more than 30 different kinds of birds in a span of less than 90 minutes. Of course, the spirit of copying others is frequently shown in human nature, too. Small girls like to pretend they are mothers or nurses; while boys are interested in being like sports heroes, astronauts and even the familiar figure of the cowboy. When they get to their teen years, many young people unfortunately emulate the dress and hair styles of the popular singers and entertainers of the day. Of course, adults are not left out. Most people, if the pocketbook permits, want to be in keeping with at least conservative de signs and styles in apparel. The tragedy of it all is that so few people are really seeking to do as Scripture urges us in being imitators of Christ. For instance, when someone is not too kind, we feel slighted, and fail to show forth the love of Christ. Sometimes this is easier said than done. God’s Holy Spirit will give us the power to live a triumphant and victorious life. With all of the confusion and chaos in the world today, Jesus Christ is our only true Example whom we can safely andconfidently follow. The Lord, unlike human heroes, will never let us down. The Bible clearly points out “Christ suffered for us, leav ing us an example, that we should fol low his steps." * * * A loose tongue can often geta person Into a tight place. * * * PURE SPEECH Did you know that gossips have been catalogued into three different types? There is the vest button category, made up of all those people who seem con stantly to be “popping off.” Then, there is the vacuum cleaner type. This defines those who are always picking up dirt. Finally, there is the “ linament" group. This is made up of those who seem to delight in constantly “rubbing it in." As has been well said, “He who bears a tale will often make a monkey out of himself." Christian courage never resorts to the baseness of gossip to achieve its end. Such is only the product of a shal low mind and reveals the fact that to engage in it is merely the diversion of a fool. Gossip may be likened to a muddy stream which seeks to find its own level. Godly sincerity and Christian love will have no part of it. Tale bearing associ ates itself with lying, while thriving on half truths. How vital for each of us
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