This changes in 2023 and when it does, a win- dow into package design innovation will open. For example, design to replace the awkward re- tail-made meal kits will be enabled by second- ary-stage manufacturing. Another example is in reseal innovation. Reseal emerged as a nice-to-have in the early 1990s, and this prevented consumer food waste because it allowed consumers to reseal shredded cheese through an inline applied zipper feature adequate- ly. Some 30 years later, in 2023, consumers will see package design innovation to reduce their “after it is open” waste. Right-Sizing As brands struggle to achieve “just the right size for everyone” in PPA, package design finesse to en- able reseal is a means to allow consumers to take what is needed and securely reseal the package to protect food. 4. Science and relationships Intense consolidation in both the food and pack- aging industries has resulted in many large packag- ing converters and machinery suppliers competing for large brands’ business. However, many sec- Packaging Breakthroughs (Cont’d from Page 3)
ond-tier packaging companies work with smaller food companies out of this fray. These market dynamics will prompt values-based investment by small and mid-size packaging con- verters and machinery supplier companies. In ad- dition, there will be greater alignment with specific universities to implement focused innovations. 5. International consortiums The abundance of food packaging research world- wide, combined with employees who work unteth- ered remotely, is fueling multinational research con- sortiums on food packaging science. Fortunately for innovation, optimized research focused on address- ing an immediate need will replace self-imposed si- los traditionally within university research programs. AI Drives Forward This is consistent with the artificial intelligence (AI)-driven design of work protocols in develop- ing new medicines, and it holds great promise for advancing critical areas of food packaging science and focusing on food waste prevention. In addition, international cooperation in meeting the common need for packaging to protect food will advance understanding different cultures.
January 16, 2023 5
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