2022 Q4

make our last business meeting for the year very festive. We will be donating needed goods to a charity here in Oklahoma called The Children’s Center Rehabilitation Hospital.They are an amazing organization that helps with the rehabilitation of children who are extremely ill or handicapped. Sometimes that is in the form of getting them well again so they can resume their lives as before. For the handicapped they have rooms set up like a school cafeteria, post office and even a mock house where they teach the children how to maneuver in those situations of normal life.We will also have an ugly sweater contest to liven up the business meeting. CAPDOA had four normal business meetings with speakers and a full day Seminar in the summer.We voted on our 2023 board, so we will be meeting to transition those positions with new members.We look forward to seeing everyone at our final business meeting of the year. You do not want to miss it! For more information regarding CAPDOA, please visit our website at www.capdoa.org. ………………………………… Submitted by Eli Murray, President DALWORTH ASSOCIATION OF DIVISION ORDER ANALYSTS (DALWORTH) Association serving the Dallas/Fort Worth, TX Area

Technology is a wonderful but challenging thing. As artificial intelligence has improved in identifying lease provisions and because its use has grown in our market, DALWORTH has seen a significant overlap in membership with DFW-ALTA, which is the local organization affiliated with NALTA. In an effort to manage the evolution of our industry, we are actively engaged in merging the organizations. Many of the positions in our market are changing and a number of companies are using a “Jack of all trades” to handle all of the needs for Land Administration.These Land Analysts are able to facilitate the lease obligations while also understanding and maintaining the division order side of the company. We look forward to becoming one local association to reduce the redundancies in managing the organizations and will also be fulfilling the educational needs for these hybrid professionals. DALWORTH is excited about this next chapter. For information regarding DALWORTH, please visit our website at https://dalworth.wildapricot.org/ …………………………………

Kaitlin LaFlamme, Local Association Reporter


DADOA was pleased to partner with DALTA to host a full-day in-person fall seminar in October. Participants heard excellent presentations on Division Order interest calculations, Conflicts between Royalty Payment Acts, Compulsory Pooling and Royalty owner strategies on how to prevent ethical issues related to owners and fraud, capital funds consolidation, and getting owners into pay who are going through the probate process. A huge thank you to our speakers,Taylor Hindes, Bresee Carlson, Paula Rauchfuss, Erica Honeycutt and Daniel Franklin, as well as our seminar sponsors,Total Document Solutions Inc,White River Royalties LLC, Crowheart Energy, Sitio Royalties and Steptoe & Johnson Land Administration Services LLP.

2022 DALWORTH Officers and Directors President – Eli Murray 1st Vice President – Connie Wilcoxson 2nd Vice President – Liz Karlen Recording Secretary – Lindsay Grose Director (Compliance) – Megan McKee Director (House) – Christy Ewert Director (Hospitality) – Somchay Fairbanks Director (Hospitality) – Isabel Zhang Director (Historian) – Brenda Pirozzolo Director (Scholarship) – Lewis Box

DADOA will host their January Luncheon on January 25, 2023, at the 17th Street Plaza Building, 1225 17th Street.

Board Advisor – Kim Bowman NADOA Liaison – Megan McKee


N at i onal A ssociation of D i v i s i on O rder A nalys t s

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