Michele Lawton, CDOA 2022 NADOA President
Thank you for the honor of serving as NADOA’s 2022 president. I would like to thank all of our sponsors, advertisers, vendors, and companies that sent their employees to Institute this year.Without all of you we could not have a successful Institute.Also, a huge thank you to the board and Institute Committees who worked so hard for the membership this year to put on such a successful Institute in San Antonio. We had a great educational Institute and hope you took the opportunity to learn and grow your network. I would like to reiterate that in this ever-changing industry, it is vitally important to stay up to date through continuing education.Your membership in NADOA provides you with free webinars, a quarterly newsmagazine with informative articles on changing legislation and industry news, and CDOA certification to show you are a qualified professional in the industry. Again, thank you all so much for such a successful year and we hope to see everyone again in beautiful Kentucky for our 50th anniversary Institute. Mark your calendars for September 6 thru 8, 2023! I know your president, Norma Dooley, and her Institute Committee are already working hard to make 2023 an awesome year for NADOA.
G rowth T hrough E ducat i on - O c tober / N ov ember / D e c ember 2022 1
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