


The CESPR announced a new online workshop project to assist local businesses to better adapt themselves to the increa- sing preference of many people now for online shopping during the pandemic. The provincial government provided $49,202 in support funding for the project and CESPR has confirmed Professor Martin Savard, an internationally renowned expert in business affairs related to customer service and e- commerce, to lead the workshop. The project involves offering four works- hop sessions on e-commerce, each session being 12 hours long and spread over a

The first rule of business is always customer service and a new program will help local business owners adapt their customer service practice to the pandemic’s new reality of increased online shopping. “Many customers have changed their method of buying,” said Carole Muise, spokesperson for the Prescott-Russell Employment Services Centre (CESPR). “We are helping businesses adapt to this.”

Pendant la pandémie, de plus en plus de personnes font leurs achats en ligne, ce qui signifie que les entreprises locales doivent relever de nouveaux défis pour conserver et attirer de nouveaux clients. Un projet d’atelier en ligne propose des formations et des conseils pour aider les entreprises locales à répondre aux besoins des acheteurs en ligne en matière de service à la clientèle. — photo tirée d’une banque d’images



two-day period. There are also four six-hour sessions on customer service as part of online business. The c-commerce workshops are sche- EVMFE GPS +BOVBSZBOE 'FCSVBSZ BOE.BSDI .BSDIBOE BOE"QSJM 14 and 21. The customer service workshops are scheduled for February 10 and 17, and .BSDIBOE #VTJOFTTPXOFSTBOEUIFJSTUBGGXIPUBLF part in the online workshops do not have to attend all of the sessions. Each of the works- hop sessions will cover the same points about e-commerce and customer service, so business owners can decide which session

date best suits their own schedule. The workshops are free but there is a limit of 25 participants for each of the scheduled TFTTJPOT#VTJOFTTPXOFSTBSFVSHFE UP register as soon as possible for one of the workshop sessions by going to the CESPR website at The online workshop project has the sup- QPSUPGUIF6OJUFE$PVOUJFTPG1SFTDPUU3VT - sell’s economic development and tourism EFQBSUNFOU  UIF)BXLFTCVSZ$IBNCFSPG Commerce, the Alliance des gens d’affaires de Prescott-Russell, Contak solutions de recrutement, and other agencies that re- present local and regional business interest.

More than $6 million in provincial fun- ding aid will be shared out among all eight municipalities in Prescott-Russell. The Ontario government announced next year’s allocation of Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund (OMPF) grants for all the municipalities in the province. For the Prescott-Russell region, this means more than $6.6 million shared among all the FJHIUNFNCFSNVOJDJQBMJUJFTPGUIF6OJUFE $PVOUJFTPG1SFTDPUU3VTTFMM 6$13  5IF6$13XJMMOPUSFDFJWFBO0.1'HSBOU  UIPVHIUIF6OJUFE$PVOUJFTPG4UPSNPOU%VO - EBT(MFOHBSSZ 6$4%( XJMMHFU  Ministry of Finance spokesman Scott #MPEHFUUFYQMBJOFEJOBOFNBJMUP&"1UIBU UIF6$4%#TUJMMRVBMJàFTGPS0.1'TVQQPSU VOEFSUIFQSPHSBNTGPSNVMB XIJMFUIF6$13 does not. “The OMPF is a formula-based grant that is applied consistently across all municipali- UJFT uø#MPEHFUUTUBUFEi5IFQSPHSBNBTTJTUT municipalities with challenges based on a number of factors and is responsive to the difference circumstances of individual NVOJDJQBMJUJFT 6QQFSUJFS NVOJDJQBMJUJFT may receive funding under the program’s Transitional Assistance component if they are continuing to transition from historical GVOEJOH XIJDI JT UIFDBTFPG UIF6OJUFE $PVOUJFTPG4UPSNPOU%VOEBT(MFOHBSSZ5IF 6OJUFE$PVOUJFTPG1SFTDPUU3VTTFMMEPFTOPU SFRVJSF5SBOTJUJPOBM"TTJTUBODFu Funding approvals Alfred-Plantagenet Township will receive

$1,400,600 in OMPF money for 2021. The City of Clarence-Rockland will receive   Champlain Township will get an OMPF HSBOU PG    &BTU )BXLFTCVSZ 5PXOTIJQXJMM SFDFJWF XIJMF UIF 5PXOPG)BXLFTCVSZXJMMHFU   The Municipality of Casselman will get $229,400 in OMPF money for next year XIJMF5IF/BUJPO.VOJDJQBMJUZ JTBQQSPWFE GPS 3VTTFMM5PXOTIJQXJMMSFDFJWF   Plus de 6 millions de dollars en subventions de soutien au financement provincial seront partagés entre les huit municipalités de Prescott-Russell l’année prochaine. —archives

RÉSERVATIONS AUXMESSES DE NOËL à la paroisse Saint-Pierre-Apôtre

Afin de respecter les règles sanitaires du BSEO, un nombre limité de personnes seront admises à chacune des messes de Noël. Ainsi, pour répondre au besoin de la communauté, cinq messes seront offertes cette année : 16h, 19h, 21h et 23h, le 24 décembre et 10h, le 25 décembre. Il faut donc réserver sa place en s’inscrivant en personne après les messes dominicales OU en téléphonant au bureau de la paroisse, au 613-632-8661. Aucune place n’est garantie sans inscription.

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