learn when to speak as well as when to keep silent.
of it. He was furnished a body in which to die for our sins but this did not change His essential God head. Q. Albuquerque, N.M. — “What did Paul mean when he spoke of partak ing of the Lord’s supper unworthily (I Cor.. 11:27)? Is anyone worthy?” A. In a sense, no, we are not. We become worthy because of the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ which is efficacious in our own hearts for righteousness. The word “unworthi ly” is best translated as being “in an unworthy manner.” If someone is liv ing in sin, not confessing his in iquity and keeping short accounts with the Lord, it is an insult to the entire atoning work of the Lord to then participate. This is how sacred the communion table is. There should always be a time of real personal heart-searching and silent medita tion. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal anything to you which may be dis pleasing to the Saviour. Q. Sacramento, Calif. — “In Matthew 7:6 we read of casting our pearls before swine. What does that mean?” A. There are certain circumstances when people are so determined to oppose the truth that there is no value in giving them the most pre cious and deep things of the Word of God. In this day of tremendous revolution, when men seek to do away with the very foundations of law and order, how far would you get if you went up to a wild, rioting crowd and said, “Please let me have your attention. I want to show you what a marvelous thing it is to make your minds and hearts subservient to the living God.” No one would listen, even though the subject is of great est import. Too often, however, the reverse is true, that when we do have an opportunity to speak, we are strangely silent. May God help us to
Q. Pittsburg, Calif. — “What is meant in Hebrews 11:35 by the statement ‘a better resurrection’?” A. This portion tells about the many heroes of the faith and those wonder ful su p e rn a tu ra l accomplishments which were energized by the Spirit of God in their lives. Notice the ac curacy of your Bible for “better” always indicates two. If there had been more, the correct word would be “best.” Revelation 20 tells us of the two resurrections. In Philippians 3 Paul says that he wants the “out resurrection” from among the dead. That’s why he laid hold by faith on Christ Jesus. One resurrection is of the ungodly ; those who haven’t trust ed Christ. The other, which is ob viously “better,” is the resurrection of the righteous. The second death has no power over this. After the thousand-year reign of our Lord on earth all the ungodly of all times will be raised to be judged at the Great White Throne. This is the resurrec tion of condemnation. Q, Escondido, Calif. — “Could you tell me about demon possession. Some people say that sickness is a result of it. I f all sickness is demon posses sion, how can doctors, by the use of drugs, make people well?” A. It is not correct to say that all of men's illnesses are caused by de mon possession. It is right to declare that all sickness is a result of man’s original sin. We believe the Lord heals today. One can readily use drugs or doctors or sometimes go to the Lord directly. Always it is ac cording to His infinite will as to the method selected. Sometimes sick nesses are brought about as a means of testing and strengthening (Jas. 1:1-5). At the same time, we believe the demons are very active in these
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