Biola Broadcaster - 1969-05

evil, the real problem comes in the love of money. What a blessing our steward­ ship can be when that with which God has entrusted us is wholly dedicated to Christ! Frances Ridley Havergal, for many years a shut-in, had a great deal of personal ivealth. One day she gave away all her precious jewels to the cause of missions. Then she wrote: “Take my life and let it be consecrated, Lord, to Thee. Take my silver and my gold, not a mite would I withhold.” We need to keep in mind that actually God judges what we give by that which we keep for ourselves. THE CAPTAIN’S FACE Having been in the service, on the high seas, during World War II, I can vouch for the fact that there is nothing quite so horrifying and devastating as a storm in the middle of the Atlantic or Pacific. Robert Louis Stevenson wrote about a vessel which was tossed around like a cork in the middle of a tropical storm. The tempest had risen with terrible swiftness and severity, as is often the case. Everyone was ordered below. One of the braver sailors wanted to know what hope there was for sur­ vival. Carefully he made his way back to the deck. The angry waters beat upon the ship, washing the entire sur­ face. The seaman had to hold first to one thing and then another, constantly terrified by the possibility of being swept overboard. When finally he had made his way to the bridge, he looked into the wheelhouse to see the Captain’s face. When he observed it, he was satis­ fied. He turned and made his cautious way back to the crew’s quarters where his companions were terror-stricken. As they sat there transfixed, fearful of the future, the fellow-sailor assured them, “We don’t need to be afraid. I ’ve seen the face of the Captain, and he’s smil­ ing!’’ Stevenson painted quite a picture with his word brush. Spiritually speak­ ing, the storms of life certainly beat down upon us at times, don’t they? Have you ever received the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour? I f Those who drink like a fish will not be long in the swim.

not, then you desperately need Him as your Captain and Pilot. Then, looking into His face, you’ll have the assur­ ance of God’s grace in your life. How can one possibly face such terrible and impending storms without the security of the Lord Jesus Christ for time as well as all eternity?

A man may be almost saved and yet be entirely lost.

SCRIPTURE’S EASY CHAIR Most of us have a houseful of furni­ ture, although it may not be brand- new, or in the best of repair. There was one elderly saint we’ve heard about whose earthly possessions consisted only of a rickety old steel bed and a flimsy wooden chair which was being held to­ gether with some bailing wire. Just the two pieces were all. Yet, she was con­ stantly radiant, rejoicing in what God had done for her. One clay, one of her Christian friends confided, “Don’t you ever feel discouraged, murmuring at your difficult lot in life?” The faithful woman smiled broadly, “Well, some­ times Satan does tempt pie to complain. But, you know, when that happens, I just ask the Lord to put me into my easy chair and keep me quiet.” The visitor was perplexed. Looking around the room, all that could be seen was the old bed and the even more dilapi­ dated straight chair. Shaking her head, in disbelief, she apologized, “You’ll ex­ cuse me, but I ’m sorry. I don’t see your easy chair. Where is it?” This gracious, although poverty-stricken woman, had gained real v ic to ry . She explained, “You misunderstand. My easy chair is Roman 8:28. I t’s always close at hand when I need the Lord. He just sets me into it, and I ’m at rest. I can say to Satan, ‘Now you . be quiet. I ’m resting in my easy chair.’ ’’ Be sure that you are right and then you won’t get left Generally with children it may require hard paddling in order to have smooth sailing.


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