trips, the most common local streets are, in descending order: Piedmont Ave NW, Moreland Ave NW, Ted Turner Dr NW, Peachtree St NE, Boulevard NE, and Northside Dr NW. For southbound trips, the most common local streets are, in descending order: Courtland Street, Peachtree Street NE, Moreland Ave NE, Northside Dr NW, and Boulevard NE.
Figure E-6: Map of pass-through origin and destinations zones with top routes by volume
FROM THE DOWNTOWN CONNECTOR TO SURFACE STREETS AND ACTIVE MODES Short trip rates were calculated in the “Trip Length (Distance)” section and demonstrate the number of Downtown Connector trips that can be converted to pedestrian trips (0-1 miles), to bike trips (1-3 miles), and moved to the surface streets (3-5 miles). The trips to be moved to the surface streets are distributed to the most used northbound and southbound corridors identified in the previous section. FROM SURFACE STREETS TO THE DOWNTOWN CONNECTOR AND ACTIVE MODES I-75/I-85 Downtown Connector trips currently using local streets as cut-through routes have the potential to remain on the Downtown Connector and reduce the trip load on the local streets. The northbound and southbound cut-through rates (9.0% and 11.7%, respectively) were multiplied by the weekday (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday) adjusted AADT for the northbound and southbound directions. The trips removed from the surface streets are distributed to the most used northbound and southbound corridors identified in the previous section.
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