20,000 – 30,000
< 30% < 30%
> 30,000
All Counts
< 35%
It was determined that the model developed for The Stitch achieves the traffic assignment reasonableness check
EXISTING CONDITIONS The existing conditions section outlines the 2020 Base Year Conditions and begins with demographic information. The demographics contribute to traffic conditions across the subarea. The data displayed below is for Traffic Analysis Zones (TAZs), which are geographical areas that encompass residential, social, and economic activities. In the subarea model, there are 242 TAZs in total. TAZs serve as origins and destinations of trips based on aggregated socioeconomic data. This information is used to determine trip production and trip attraction that occurs for and between each TAZ. POPULATION There are approximately 50,000 individuals living in the TAZs within the subarea. The population is highly concentrated in the northern section of the subarea along Peachtree Street, Courtland Street, Piedmont Avenue, and North Avenue. There is little to no population in the southern section of the subarea due to the number of government facilities and lack of residential areas. Figure C.3 below shows the population density of TAZs within the subarea by quantile breaks.
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