The Stitch Master Plan Appendices 1&2

This appendix contains a summary of key planning documents that include the study area and were considered in the development of existing conditions.

Table H-1: Document review summary




• Comprehensive Plan and zoning ordinance updates are underway. • Civic Center study area future land use and character area designations are not likely to change much, if at all. • Future land use map designates study area as High Density Commercial. • Character Area Map designates study area as Downtown and Transit Oriented Development. • The study area is part of the designated Core Growth Area, which represents Atlanta’s historic core and surrounding areas (Downtown, Midtown, West Midtown, South Downtown, West End, Castleberry, and more). • Core Growth Area has a large capacity for redevelopment and more density, especially around transit facilities. Height and density regulations depend on proximity to transit and other factors. • City is considering integrating growth and conservation areas into their Character Area designations in the current Comprehensive Plan update. • Prioritizes people in rebalancing our street network. • Streets should be reflective of the historic character and the community in which they represent.

Plan A: City of Atlanta Comprehensive Plan sets the long-term vision for the City by leveraging the framework established in Atlanta City Design . It identifies needs and opportunities to be addressed over a long-term (20 year) planning horizon and guides growth and development with a framework for evaluating land use and zoning decisions.

Plan A: City of Atlanta Comprehensive Plan (2021)

Atlanta City Design (ACD) sets a vision for future growth and development throughout the city and is incorporated into the City’s Charter. It represents an intentional and strategic approach to shaping the city’s future into a place that reflects shared values and meets community goals.

Atlanta City Design (2021)


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