• Population growth over the next 20 years is expected to be concentrated along key north/south corridors in Downtown and Midtown, including Ted Turner Drive, Peachtree Center Ave, and others. • Those areas are also expected to capture employment growth in the coming decades. • Atlanta Investment Map indicates planning-related projects that are planned, under construction, or were recently completed. • Recommends restoring one-way street to two-way to provide more routing options, increase access, and
This document highlights the existing commuter bus routing and infrastructure conditions in Downtown Atlanta, identifying the gaps, challenges, and needs for improving commuter bus routing through the area. The recommendations are focused on providing high-quality transit service in Downtown Atlanta, improving operations and efficiency for the commuter bus providers, and encouraging the growth and development of Downtown as a neighborhood where all modes can coexist comfortably and safely. The City of Atlanta’s Consolidated Housing and Community Development Plan is a comprehensive tool that prioritizes the City’s housing, homeless, public housing, and non-housing community development needs for the 2020-2025 period. This plan contains goals, measurable objectives, and implementation actions for each of the plan’s elements. ULI’s Advisory Services Panel provides real estate expertise on complex land use planning and development projects, programs, and policies. This report provides guidance and recommendations for moving the Stitch forward. It highlights the pivotal role of the MARTA Civic Center Station in the success of the Stitch (pg. 21) The report focuses on the scale of the Stitch, recommending scaling down the overall project to a more manageable size, focusing investment in the MARTA
Atlanta Downtown Commuter Bus Routing and Infrastructure Study (2021)
slow vehicle speeds to improve conditions for pedestrians and bicyclists.
• City will review zoning ordinances for prospective barriers to affordable housing development and make amendments as needed. • Outlines strategies to remove obstacles to affordable housing (pg. 240-243). • Studies for comparable projects indicate a value premium for properties located near a high-quality park or a transit station. • A new health/medical district is recommended: Emory Health District. This district would provide an opportunity to integrate education, research, and patient care with the park’s community health vision and help create attainable housing for area workers.
Consolidated Plan (2020)
ULI Advisory Services Panel Report: The Stitch (2019)
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