Memoirs by Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland (1987)


June 20, 1986 Page 3 - Tape 3

I envisioned an enrollment of 1,200 to 1,500 students. Actually, after WWII we got up to over 900 students. Then after the Gis finished their training it dropped back to around 400 or 500. So I figured that 1,200 would be adequate for the coming generation. At that time, I thought that the proposed building across the street would be adequate to house all of the additional requirements necessary to carry on a school like ours in the post WWII era. I certainly did not conceive at that time of Biola moving into a university status. I have been highly in favor of the move as it has developed, but then, right after WWII, I did not think of the school ever getting into that position. WHAT IS YOUR OBSERVATION OF THE HISTORICAL PATHWAY THAT BIOLA HAS FOLLOWED TO ATTEMPT TO REMAIN TRUE TO THE INITIAL IDEALOGY AND PURPOSE AS STATED IN THE ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION


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