June 20, 1986 Page 7 - Tape 3
were very questionable and which we did not believe should be observed by Christians. So, it was difficult to make a decision that would serve the needs of the present day and not go overboard so that students could obtain a carte blanche permission to attend movies. That is a present difficulty in which we are engaged. Incidentally, and this is not for general publication, but I think the leadership of the school should know about it. I made a decision early in my ministry not to attend commercial theatres. I saw the original rendering of "Ben Hur." That was the last moving picture that I saw, and my reason for stopping the movies was this. When I was Pastor of Grace Presbyterian Church, one of my very best members, a widow, came to me one day and said, "Mr. Sutherland, what can I tell my son John? He goes to the matinee every Saturday afternoon. He sees wild west pictures and he comes home all excited, and I find it extremely difficult and sometimes impossible to quiet him down to prepare his
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