June 20, 1986 Page 8 - Tape 3
Sunday school lesson. I tell him that he can't go to the movies on Saturday afternoon. And he asks, 'Why can't I go? Mr. Sutherland goes."' Well, I wheezed and snorted around and gave a lame excuse, and a few months later, another mother of two daughters came to me and said, "Mr. Sutherland, my daughters are becoming more and more interested in attending moving pictures. They like to go week nights as well as Saturdays and sometimes on Sunday afternoons. I want to discourage this, but they say Mr. Sutherland goes, why can't we? What shall I tell them?" At that moment I said, "Mrs. Buck, you tell them that Mr. Sutherland does not go to the movies." And from that day on, I have not gone except to the newsreels during WWII. However, when the movies were prohibited by our students before and during the post WWII era, I was frequently confronted with the statement, 'Well, Dr. Talbot and the Chairman of the Board both go to movies. What do you say to that?' I said, "My friends, I do not go to the movies.
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