June 20, 1986 Page 9 - Tape 3
The school has a rule against going to the movies. The students are not allowed to go to the movies. What members of the Board do is none of my business. My decision remains the same." But it was a constant problem that I had to face. I confronted Dr. Talbot and Ray with it. I was afraid they might fire me for bringing it up, but they said, "Well, say whatever you think best." And that was the end of that The dance question comes up frequently, but we have been able to stop that and not to allow it to come into this school, although in some good Christian colleges square dancing is allowed. We feel that the dancing that one observes on t.v. and the ballroom dancing that is very commonplace is totally unbecoming to a Christian who is fully yielded to the Lord Jesus Christ and who wants his testimony to count. So the school has remained true to that regard and also in regard to card playing, drinking and gambling of all types.
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