June 20, 1986 Page 3 - Tape 4
and totally discouraged. Well, it so happened that that was the lowest spot during the time I was Dean. A few weeks later, Dr. Talbot left on a trip to Africa and India and some other areas in the Far East, on one of his missionary tours. We said goodbyes. Unbeknown to me, he was planning on talking to the Biola grads out on the field. I learned later that as he asked the students if Biola should begin to offer degrees, without exception, the grads said, "Absolutely! It was very essential that the school move into a degree-granting institution. They were greatly handicapped in their missionary effectiveness, because they had only gotten a diploma rather than a degree." He went to Africa and then over to India, and during the time that he was in India, he visited the Ramabai Mukte Mission where Carol Terry was then Superintendent. He asked her this question and two or three other Biola grads who were there. He asked them the same question, "Is it important that Biola
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