June 20, 1986 Page 4 - Tape 4
go to a degree-granting institution?" And they said, "Absolutely, that Biola would be severely handicapped and would be totally unable to meet the needs of the post-war era unless they were able to grant degrees." And he said, "You know, that's exactly what I've heard unanimously. Wherever I went on this missionary tour. Sutherland is all for it. told him to forget it, but I think that when I get back I'll give him the go ahead signal." And sure enough he was true to his word. When he got back, he said, "Are you ready to go, Sam?" I said, "I'm ready to go. I have been for three years." And he said, "Alright, at the next Board meeting we'll spend the time on that." And we did. He told the Board what he found out from the missionaries, and they were sufficiently impressed that some of them rather reluctantly agreed, but it was unanimous that we sho"tJld move ahead into a Bible College program. This time was the high point of my time as Dean. I'll never forget those experiences that I had as Dean. I
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