June 20, 1986 Page 5 - Tape 4
Incidentally, I became Dean in February, 1942. I became President in February, 1952, so I was Dean exactly ten years. The war had started and Pearl Harbor had been bombed the previous December. Very few of the men were students at Biola at that time. It was practically a girls' boarding school. There were a few of the men who, for various reasons, could not enlist, a heart condition or punctured ear drums or something, but every well, able-bodied young man either had gone to war or was planning on enlisting. They were planning on enlisting because they knew that they would be drafted anyway. So they thought they might as well enlist. I was President from February, 1942 until June of 1970, or eighteen years. I often said that I would retire whenever problems became a headache instead of a challenge. When I became President, there were many problems, but they were always challenges, and I met them head on. But in 1970, I came to the place one time when I went home after
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