Navigating copyright infringement

Unfortunately, this is not as straightforward as we think. Under traditional copyright laws, the creator of a work is typically considered the copyright owner. But there are many issues around GenAI attribution, and none of these challenges can be clarified in a black-and-white manner. Take, for example, the images below. Crafted by complex algorithms that use extensive training data sets, these images raise legitimate questions about eligibility for copyright protection. The consensus leans toward requiring substantial human involvement for a work to qualify for copyright. However, the debate is far from settled as some argue that the AI should be considered the creator, thereby granting copyright ownership to the AI owner. Others contend that the human programmer who developed the AI model should be recognized as the creator and copyright owner. Then some suggest that the humans who contributed to the training data preparation should be acknowledged as the creators. This murky landscape underscores the need for well-defined guidelines to help people navigate the complex interplay between Gen AI and copyright laws

Source: Princess. Painting generated by Dall-e.

Source: Footballers. Painting generated by Dall-e.

Whom will you credit for these images?

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