AMIkids Open Enrollment 2017-18


AMIkids offers dental coverage through Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS). Both plan options are Dental PPOs, which allow you to use in-network or out-of-network benefits. If out-of-network dentists are used, you will be responsible for the balance billed amount (the difference between BCBS’ allowed amount and what the dentist charges). AMIkids has not raised Dental Plan premiums for FOUR years!

The chart below provides a brief overview of the plans. To find in-network providers visit and click on “Find a Dentist” within the right column.

Base PPO Plan (unchanged from 2016)

Premium PPO Plan (unchanged from 2016)


Deductible (applies to Basic & Major services)







Annual Maximum (per covered member)



Preventive Services

Covered in full

Covered in full

Exams, Cleanings, & Fluoride

Basic Services

Fillings, Simple Extractions, Perio & Endo (other than those listed below) Major Services Crowns, Bridges, Surgical Extractions, Root Canal, Dentures, Osseus Surgery & Endo Molars

20% after deductible

20% after deductible

50% after deductible

50% after deductible

Orthodontia (child only)

40% $2,000 lifetime maximum per person


Out-of Network 1

90 th % Usual & Customary Charges

Basis of Payment

Deductible (applies to Basic & Major services)

$50 / $150

$50 / $150

Annual Maximum (per covered member)



Services Preventive

Covered in full 20% after deductible 50% after deductible

Covered in full 20% after deductible 50% after deductible

Basic Major

Orthodontia (child only)

40% $2,000 lifetime maximum per person


1 Subject to balance billing. Please refer to your plan document for specific details.

Cost for Coverage Amounts shown are per pay check ( 24 payments/year )

Base PPO

Premium PPO

Employee Only

$ 4.68 $12.13 $14.78 $24.51

$ 9.35 $21.56 $29.52 $45.26


Employee + Spouse


Employee + Child(ren)


Employee + Family



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