The UWI, Mona Campus_Annual Report 2021-2022

Over the years, students have insisted on the pursuit of programme combinations across disciplinary boundaries. Capitalising on the path created by these students, the Department of Modern Languages & Literatures in collaboration with partners in the Faculty of Social Sciences, began advertising the Double Major in Spanish and International Relations. This was followed by the B.A. French or Spanish with the English Language Speech and Writing Minor. Discussions surrounding the implementation of The UWI Foreign Language Policy also came to a head during 2021-2022, ultimately resulting in an agreement for phased implementation of the Policy starting in 2022-2023. In anticipation of increased student numbers in beginners’ foreign language courses, the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures developed online versions of the Beginners’ French and Beginners’ Spanish courses. The Faculty of Medical Sciences The Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Diagnostic Imaging (Radiography) was revised to offer a B.Sc. in Radiological Sciences. This facilitated improvement in the programme offerings and provided advanced didactic and practice in diagnostic and therapeutic radiography, nuclear medicine, ultrasonography and radiotherapy. This programme will offer both 4-year and 5-year majors. All students, regardless of concentration being pursued, will sit the first 3 years together and complete the same requirements within the first 3 years of the Degree. After the first 3 years, students will choose from one of 5 majors: X-ray-CT, X-ray-MRI, X-ray-Ultrasonography, X-Ray- Radiation Therapy, and X-ray-Nuclear Medicine. The majors in X-ray-CT and X-ray-MRI will be 4-year majors, while the majors in X-ray-Ultrasonography, X-ray-Radiation Therapy, and X-ray-Nuclear Medicine, will be 5-year majors. This programme was approved by the Board for Undergraduate Studies in May 2022. Another area of concern in the Faculty of Medical Sciences was the number of credits across the Campuses for Stage 1 and Stage 2. A series of Cross Campus meetings were held over the academic year to address this issue and harmonise the number of credits across the Campuses at Stage/Phase 2. This was previously accomplished for Stage/Phase 1, as all Campuses at the end of Stage/Phase 1, now had 105 core credits. The task of harmonising the credits for Stage/Phase 2 had been completed and

ready for review/support and approval by the various committees and Boards. The Faculty of Science and Technology The Department of Mathematics completed the curriculum revision of two (2) of its programmes – B.Sc. Statistical Science and B.Sc. Mathematics and Modelling Processes - to meet the growing demands of a changing world. Two new courses in renewable energy – Fundamentals of Energy Statistics (PHYS2000) and Energy Information Management (PHYS3000) Energy – were approved for offer by the Department of Physics in the upcoming academic year. The Faculty of Sport The Faculty of Sport focused on income generating short courses over the 2021-2022 academic year. Workshops in Applied Governance and Sports Injury Management, and certificate courses in Sport Broadcasting Level 2, and Sport Marketing, were successfully developed and delivered. With the support of the Office of Online Learning, the Faculty was also able to develop the content for the course “West Indies Cricket: Our Story” and it was launched on June 27, 2022 on the Future Learn platform. The first report on the course statistics, confirmed that there were 66 active learners out of the 117 joiners who accessed the course during the period. Very positive comments were received from the learners with some stating that the course had either met or exceeded their expectations. Mona Library - New Programme/ Course Reviews and Quality Reviews Members of the Mona Library provided support for teaching and learning by offering assistance to faculty and teaching departments with the quality reviews of new programmes and courses. Quality reviews were conducted for the Departments of: Modern Languages and Literatures; Language, Linguistics, and Philosophy; the Philosophy Programme conducted by the Office of the Board for Undergraduate Studies (OBUS); and the Montego Bay Community College (MBCC) Preliminary Medical Programme.

faculty development sessions. The faculty development sessions were distinctively focused on online teaching for the emergency situation that bedevilled universities. Distinguished Teaching Lecture – delivered by Professor Jayne McGuire, Fulbright Scholar in residence at the CETL. Blackboard Collaborate Ultra and Moodle Basics (OurVLE) Training Book Club - The CETL Book Club was officially launched on Friday, January 21, 2022. Faculty book clubs are cross-disciplinary gatherings, offering faculty, adjuncts, and faculty development partners an opportunity to read, meet and discuss books on a variety of topics related to teaching and learning, in a relaxed and safe environment. This was another opportunity afforded to faculty to develop skills and competences in online teaching for the emergency operations of The UWI. Consultations - confidential consultation services which covered areas such as course design, the use of OurVLE, and teaching with 21st century technologies. Opportunities were also provided for instructors to reflect on their teaching experiences and students’ learning outcomes. CETL staff conducted more than 30 consultations with 32 unique individuals. Teaching Grants and Awards - The CETL continued to explore possibilities for grant funding for teaching, lobbied for more funding for awards, and for the provision of a Campus- wide teaching grant. Distribution of Resource Material - Teaching Tips, The Mona Teacher, Bits and Bytes, and Monday Morning Mentors.

research education, accreditation and quality enhancement, curriculum development, and inter-professional collaboration. in health professions’


2.2 CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT AT THE MONA CAMPUS The 2021-2022 academic year pulled on the ability of The UWI to be agile in its response to the demands of the new student learning environment, and to fulfil the mandates of local and international accreditation bodies. Much attention was devoted to reviewing programmes and courses to ensure that they were relevant and responsive to the needs of the educational community. The ongoing research on the Campus was used to inform the review and redesign process. Special consideration was given to aligning our activities with the strategic priorities of the Campus, especially those that impact the student learning experience and that further the goals of the Government of Jamaica.




FACULTY DEVELOPMENTS The Faculty of Engineering

Four (4) new undergraduate courses were introduced and four (4) courses revised at the Faculty of Engineering. These adjustments were made to meet the teaching and learning objectives of the Faculty, and to adopt the recommendations for continuous improvement of course content from the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology’s (ABET) review process. The Faculty of Humanities and Education The new Level 2 course – Publishing in the Caribbean (PUBL2001) and three Level 3 core courses – Applied Marketing & Finance in Publishing (PUBL3001), Current Trends and Issues in Publishing (PUBL3002), and Editing & Proof Reading (PUBL3003) – were approved and offered in Semester 1, 2021-2022. The Department of Literatures in English (DLIE) also collaborated with Mr. Scott Fraser, President of Dundurn Press, who pledged his support to assist with teaching and publishing, and to provide internship positions for finalising students in the Writing Literature programme.




Mentorship/Colleagues supporting each other

Health Professions Education Unit The Health Professions Education Unit (HPEU) continued to be engaged in activities under its mandate for the promotion, development, implementation, and monitoring of health professions’ education. The Unit placed special emphasis on initiatives which promoted the professional development of faculty and staff,



UWI Mona Annual Report 2021 - 2022

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