The UWI, Mona Campus_Annual Report 2021-2022


The Mona Campus is now able to properly analyse courses and identify any challenges that may impact quality, thereby allowing for easy rectification by Heads of Departments, and all the relevant stakeholders within the Campus community. “

Rebuilding Foundations through Quality Improvement Processes

just in relation to the imparting of knowledge by the lecturer/educator, but also for them to evaluate their experience with the course and its content. The Mona Campus worked assiduously with the other Campuses in utilising the new QClassroom software to drive this process. Semesters 1 and 2 of the 2021-2022 academic year, were primarily dedicated to rolling out that software and familiarising both the students and the staff with its intricate workings. With its successful

launch and the utilisation of the QClassroom to collect this very important data from students, while acknowledging the teething pain challenges, the Campus was able to produce data that described the quality of teaching in relation to ten (10) set dimensions: Planning, Assessment, Alignment, Content Selection, Learning Centeredness, Prior Learning, Organisation of Knowledge, Self-Directed Learning, Commitment to Improve, and Communication.


N Rebuilding the foundations required a rebuilding and in some instances a restoration/revamping/ restructuring of our internal processes. Our continuous goal of quality improvement required new and more apposite ways by which we evaluated teaching and learning, and how we maximised both operational efficiencies and examination and assessment processes. Digital transformation and digital technologies were centrally important to creating the possibilities for achieving such efficiencies, again demanding from staff at all levels a series of learning curves as each demand led to another innovation in processes. Normal wear and tear of existing infrastructure from buildings to equipment, required injections in infrastructural development, serviced with tools and instruments that kept pace with advances in new technologies. Finally, our checks on quality improvement was carried out through accreditation exercises and, despite the pandemic and closing of classrooms, need consistent improvement.

o institution rests on its past merits or can be relaxed about quality improvement. Just as knowledge requires continuous replenishment with discovery of newer data and rigorous methods of achieving success, so do our administrative and quality control processes

some programmes underwent their scheduled accreditation process. Quality improvement processes such as survey evaluations, quality assurance reviews, and restructuring exercises were engaged to ensure that there was clear alignment between the outputs of our operations and the objectives of The UWI Strategic Plan.

3.1 TEACHING AND LEARNING Course Experience Review

The University of the West Indies did some amount of self-assessment and introspection in order to standardise and improve efficiencies across the various Campuses. That culminated in the revision of the questionnaire instrument used by students to evaluate their teaching experience. The process was rebranded Course Experience Review (CER) to more accurately reflect the students’ experience not

66 UWI Mona Annual Report 2021 - 2022


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