The UWI, Mona Campus_Annual Report 2021-2022

On May 19, 2022, the team launched the Activity Pack with UNDP which included digital materials on GBV to HFLE Educators titled, “Say Yes to Preventing Gender- Based Violence”. The Activity Pack was designed with input from HFLE teachers, for use by teachers, students, and out-of-school youths. The project was completed in May 2022. 5.6 GRANT FUNDING The Faculty of Science and Technology received three research grants valued at J$22.7 million from the Universal Service Fund (USF). The grants will facilitate research on three ICT-related projects being spearheaded by the Departments of Physics and Computing, tackling national challenges linked to literacy, crime and violence, and smart city development in Jamaica. The Department of Life Sciences also received funding for eleven new research projects with the following partners: Forestry Department of Jamaica under the Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) in Latin America, to restore mangroves in Port Royal; The National Conservation Trust Fund of Jamaica (NCTFJ), for a water quality assessment of special fisheries conservation areas; Sandals Resorts International, for north coast mangroves restoration and conservation with special focus on Salt Marsh (Falmouth), Trelawny; The National Fisheries Authority (NFA), to train Jamaican fishers in scuba diving; The Pesticides Control Authority (PCA), to assess the pattern and use of agricultural pesticides and their residues in the Jamaican environment; The Planning Institute of Jamaica (PIOJ), to conduct a Rapid Ecological Assessment (REA) of the Wagwater, Rio Nuevo and Rio Bueno/White River Watershed Management Units; The National Environment and Planning Agency (NEPA), for the Palisadoes Islets Mangrove Restoration Project; Jamaica Conservation Partners (JCP), to investigate Queen Conch induced spawning by density manipulation; The National Fisheries Authority (NFA), to conduct a Queen Conch population survey at Pedro Bank; The National Geographic Society, to trace the plant diversity and origins of Jamaican root tonics, a symbol of biocultural heritage; and The Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund, to reassess the conservation status of Cinnamodendron corticosum (Canellaceae), a wild and popularly used spice tree in Jamaica.

has been signed between the UNFPA and the Faculty of Medical Sciences for 2022 to 2026.

because of the support they provide to women and children living with or affected by HIV and AIDS.

CDEMA Gender Working Group The Institute for Gender and Development Studies (IGDS) was invited to be part of the Working Group to provide a mechanism for regional gender experts to support the Caribbean Disaster Management (CDM) implementation. The CDM Coordination and Harmonization Council (CDM CHC) Gender Working Group, consists of a pool of experts from across the Caribbean region who provide policy and technical guidance on gender mainstreaming in disaster risk management initiatives conducted by CDM stakeholders. A stakeholder meeting was held on February 23, 2022. International Men’s Day 2021 The IGDS Mona Unit (IGDS MU) participated in the regional campaign to focus on ‘Men Who Create’. Interviews were staged with experienced male ‘creatives’ on their work and contributions to their communities. Mr. Gilbert Nicely, Sculptor, was featured from Jamaica. International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women (IDEVAW) & 16 Days of Activism The IGDS Mona Unit also mounted a social media campaign for International Day for the Elimination

Research Partnerships

Equity in Science, Technology and Innovation The IGDS, MU in collaboration with the Inter- American Institute for Global Change Research (Uruguay) and the CYTED Programa Iberoamericano de Ciencia y Tecnología para el Desarrollo (Spain), submitted a proposal for the project “Connecting research efforts to promote collaboration and equity in science, technology and innovation frameworks in Latin America and the Caribbean” which was being spearheaded by the Centre for Research on Early Childhood Education (CRECE). The objectives of CRECE are to: strengthen human and institutional capacities; enhance science policy uptake to support decision-making processes, and; foster regional transdisciplinary (TD) research collaboration and science diplomacy (SD), while mainstreaming considerations of equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI). Those initiatives align with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG 5: Gender Equality. The project proposal was accepted for round 1 approval, and was expanded and re-submitted for round 2 approval in May 2022. WMW HFLE Curriculum Guide for the Prevention of GBV Dr. Karen Carpenter, Head of the IGDS Mona Unit, in collaboration with the Women’s Media Watch (WMW), was asked to act as lead curriculum specialist for the Women’s Media Watch Health and Family Life Education project. The aim was to scale-up and sustain the implementation of the Health and Family Life Education Curriculum (HFLE) for in-and-out-of- school youths with a stronger focus on gender-based violence (GBV) and family violence (FV). The main objectives were: a. To contribute to the reduction of family violence against women and girls and; b. To improve access for women and girls to essential, safe, adequate, integrated gender-responsive services.

Mr. Gilbert Nicely, Jamaican Sculptor, featured in the IMD2021 ‘Men who Create’ campaign.

of Violence against Women (IDEVAW) & 16 Days of Activism under the theme “Orange the World: End Violence Against Women Now!”. The campaign highlighted the work of local agencies that provide support services for victims of gender-based violence, and raised awareness for the elimination of violence against women and girls. International Women’s Day 2022 – Period Poverty Reduction Initiative IGDS, Mona Unit with the assistance from private donors, contributed sanitary napkins for an estimated 144 women and girls served by Eve for Life. The Period Poverty Reduction Initiative took place on March 8, 2022, in commemoration of International Women’s Day. Eve for Life was selected

Dr Karen Carpenter, HOD IGDS, Mona Unit, and Ms. Ingrid Nicely, Administrative Officer, handing over sanitary napkins to Ms Jodi-Ann Spence, Case Manager, Eve for Life, for the IGDS International Women’s Day 2022 Period Poverty Reduction Initiative.



UWI Mona Annual Report 2021 - 2022

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