The UWI, Mona Campus_Annual Report 2021-2022

A main objective for the reporting period, was to also secure the sustainability of the sector by fostering an environment for students to explore and develop their creative capacities. “


Rebuilding Foundations that Enhance The Orange Economy

exchange of film production students and faculty between that university and CARIMAC.

analysis as well as to develop their ability to identify, plan, implement and evaluate independent projects.

Association for the Promotion of Cinema in the Antilles and Guyana (APCAG) Miss Rae-ann Smith was also invited to meet with Ms. Patricia Monpierre from APCAG and other film studies lecturers in the Faculty, to discuss creating linkages with filmmakers between the Francophone and Anglophone Caribbean. APCAG has been creating a Caribbean film library which can be accessed by our students.. Film Rush 2022 Frame of Reference in collaboration with CARIMAC, staged “Film Rush 2022” which is a film competition and workshop that was held between February 18 and 20, 2022. The first day consisted of a panel discussion where industry experts, Kia Moses, Adam Cummings, and Javae Monroe, provided insights on industry best practices and video content creation to high school students. Fourteen schools were represented, 12 from Jamaica and 2 from other Caribbean islands. There were 97 participants with a peak of 42 persons at any given time. Filming was done on day two. Six high school students showed interest in competing but only 4 films were submitted for the competition. Rhysha Brown from DeCarteret College was declared the winner, and was awarded an internship and JA$30,000 from Frame of Reference.

Finalizing students are placed at various organisations within the Cultural and Creative Industries. Students who perform exceptionally well in the internship are sometimes hired by the organisation in which they are placed. Students are placed at organisations such as Kingston Creative, the Jamaica Cultural Development Corporation (JCDC), Niche Entertainment Group Limited, Jamaica Association of Composers Authors and Publishers Limited (JACAP), M-One Productions Company Ltd, and Chatwa Business. Networking Film Meet Up On June 24, 2022, The Kingston Creative Hub hosted a Networking Film Meet Up under the theme, “Diversifying the Caribbean Narrative”. The evening consisted of film screenings and a panel discussion. Students from the Caribbean Institute for Media and Communication (CARIMAC), presented animated shorts for screening and their productions were well received by the audience. For the panel discussion, the panel of four boasted three CARIMAC graduates. They each spoke about their experience at CARIMAC and their impact on the Jamaica Film Industry, providing insight for young upcoming filmmakers. Embajada de Colombia en Jamaica On April 1, 2022, Dr. Livingston White, Director at CARIMAC, and Miss Rae-ann Smith, Assistant Lecturer at CARIMAC, met with the Colombian Ambassador to Jamaica, Jairo Raul Clopatofsky Ghisays and his team. The purpose of that meeting was to discuss the resumption of the relationship which was previously established with the University of Magdalena in Santa Marta, Colombia, to foster the


r. Keith Nurse, a long-standing advocate on cultural industries for the region, has pointed out that “Caribbean economies have a narrow and declining industrial base and an expanding debt overhang in part due to deteriorating export competitiveness” 1 . He argues that “the creative industries can be an engine for economic growth and a mechanism for diversifying economies and improving global competitiveness”.

While the creative sector is generally understood as primarily the creative arts and associated industries, there is an exponential definition of what the Orange Economy now constitutes, especially with the significant expansion of the digital creative sector, of e-commerce, the content on the internet, and innovative trends now taking place in the production of creative content for manufacturing and tourism. The UWI, recognising the impact of COVID on the creative industries and the possibilities that existed for the Mona Campus to be a driver in this area, expanded its reach into the Orange Economy. Faculty at The UWI hosted Signature Events and staged outreach activities which enhanced the social fibre of the industry, and published research to inform the viability of the sector. A main objective for the reporting period, was to also secure the sustainability of the sector

by fostering an environment for students to explore and develop their creative capacities.

6.1 STUDENT DEVELOPMENT Internship Opportunities Students pursuing the Entertainment and Cultural Enterprise Management programme, are required to successfully complete an Internship – CLTR3605 - to satisfy the programme requirements. The internship provides students with pre-professional, practical experience within an entertainment and cultural enterprise management setting. The internship is a bridge for the student to connect the academic present with the professional future. It provides the student with opportunities for organisational

Future Outlook – Student Achievement

Lee-San Gayle, a third-year (Level 3) student in the BFA Film Production Programme, won a gold


96 UWI Mona Annual Report 2021 - 2022


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