Peter Smith B.1967
It’s been nearly two years since the original Lost Impossimals made their debut in The Complete Twistory collection. Our story opened with the discovery of a forgotten crate at the National Museum of Antiquities in 2010; a crate filled with paintings of Lost Impossimals creatures painted by the equally mysterious explorer Charles Burroughs whose diaries and field notes found alongside the paintings helped us understand that there is a secret history, a natural twistory, to the Lost Impossimals intertwined with our own. Over the last twelve months I have worked on just twelve paintings, each one starting with a scene built in miniature, scenes that have covered streets, kitchens, meadows, shops, clock towers, underwater and even one set in a fortune telling amusement cabinet. To these scenes, I then added objects, a little fewer than three hundred! Weird items like sandwiches, bank notes, guns, false teeth and balloon whisks. Add a sprinkle of hidden objects, codes to break and things to find twisted with popular culture and icons to mix it all up. Then came the names: The Flamboyant Wriggling Wonky Wonder, The Rampant Jekylled Whatabanker; not your normal names I think you would agree. Finally the stories: a series of letters passed between two people that chart the discovery of the history behind each painting culminating in a murderous game of cat and mouse. What you hold in your hands is the research folder that is Bloodlines, a mentally unstable dash through history for you to discover just what the Lost Impossimals are really all about.
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