
28B — September 25 - October 15, 2015 — Owners, Developers & Managers — M id A tlantic

Real Estate Journal


Institute of Real Estate Management

www . irem . org

2015 OFFICERS NEW JERSEY CHAPTER NO.1 PRESIDENT Michael Fried, CPM Boston Properties VICE PRESIDENT Eileen Wirth, CPM Octavia Hill Association, Inc., AMO TREASURER Daniel Cronheim, CPM Cronheim Mgmt. Serv., Inc., AMO SECRETARY Jonathan Hoff, CPM Prism Property Services, LLC, AMO DELAWARE VALLEY CHAPTER NO. 3 PRESIDENT Ingo S. Kraus, CPM Altman Management Co., AMO PRESIDENT-ELECT Richard Skoczylas, CPM, AIMCO VICE PRESIDENT Jennie Banco, CPM Capano Management VICE PRESIDENT Salvatore Dragone, CPM, ARM Rubenstein Partners VICE PRESIDENT James Helsel, CPM Helsel, Inc. Realtors VICE PRESIDENT Jeremy Devlin, CPM Candidate Madison Apartment Group SECRETARY/TREASURER Charlene Tucker, CPM Interland Real Estate Corp. SOUTHERN NJ CHAPTER NO. 101 PRESIDENT Sandra Walden, CPM Diocesan Housing Serv., Corp. PRESIDENT ELECT Harry Bagot, CPM Trash Pro VICE PRESIDENT Patricia Baldt, CPM Candidate Westgate Mgmt. Co., Inc. VICE PRESIDENT Maria Avery Russ, CPM Candidate Manhattan Management Co. VICE PRESIDENT Diane Wersler, CPM Candidate Interstate Realty Mgmt. Co., AMO SECRETARY/TREASURER Linda Reilly, CPM Community Realty Mgmt., AMO

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IREM® New Jersey Chapter No. 1 P: 856-303-0190 F: 856-303-1899 www.irem1.org

IREM® Delaware Valley Chapter No. 3 P: 856-786-9260 F: 856-786-5894 www.irem3.org IREM® Southern New Jersey Chapter No. 101 P: 856-829-8939 F: 856-786-3894 www.irem101.org

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