ORACLE February 2019 Working Copy

HEALTH & FITNESS COMMITTEE The reader-board in the gym has been updated with the New Year = New You with health and wellness tips to kick-start your year. Instructions and demonstrations on the proper use of the weight room and its equipment is underway on M-W-F from 9-10AM. There is a sign-up sheet on the business bulletin board where you may sign up if needing instruction. Please sign up. If we see no name on the list, we may not show up that day. February 23 - 5K Resort Walk March 9 - Health & Wellness Fair March 13 - Health Luncheon



Welcome to Accounting 101! Do you know what all those financial reports represent?

There are 2 important reports that are associated with the 3 separate entities at ORPS (last month I explained Operating , Reserve & Capital ). These 3 have a P&L and Balance Sheet that report the state of our finances. The P&L (Profit & Loss) reports the current month’s revenues and expenses. Revenues include the monthly assessment fee, bar revenue, activities revenue, etc. Expenses include all the bills we pay, payroll, utilities, supplies, etc. Since the resort has so many areas, we break the P&L into departments, i.e., Administration, Maintenance, Bar, Golf, etc. The P&L will state if we made a profit or a loss. The report also includes the budget amount and YTD (Year to Date) figures for comparison and analysis. The Balance Sheet reports the assets, liabilities and retained earnings. Assets are what we own, bank accounts, prepaid expenses, prepaid assessments (owners have prepaid in advance). Liabilities are what we owe, accounts payable (actual bills), federal & state taxes and any accrued amounts. The Balance Sheet also states retained earnings (cumulative net earnings). Included in the monthly reports is the Working Capital summary (a quick snapshot of our cash flow), a Forecast (stating actual amounts with a projection of what may occur) and the P&L Comments. The Comments is a quick look at the P&L with an explanation of various highs and lows. Look for next month’s article on “What we actually do in Accounting”. B RENDA M EJIA , Controller


I hope you are enjoying our fabulous facilities here in the desert! Our resort looks so beautiful this year and we are pleased with our new stunning ES Pool Deck and Pickleball Center! Our committee continues to work with GM C LINT A THERTON on planning for completion of the El Saguaro kitchen. It is the committee’s highest priority for what is needed in our resort. Certain components of the ES kitchen have been completed in various phases. Some due to advanced planning and some due to necessity because of equipment failure. The last part of the ES kitchen that needs attention is the “Chef Line”, which consists of a new hood and fire suppression system that will ventilate the kitchen area properly and bring our kitchen into current codes. This will entail purchasing stove top and ovens with electronic ignition for safe and easy owner use, caterer use, etc. We will add two new stacking warming ovens that are needed to keep caterer foods warm until they are served.

These ovens must be installed under a hood system and our current hood system is not adequate. Many thanks to our committee member volunteers M ARSHA N ELSON , A LICE H EUPLE , S HERYL N ELSON , C AROLYN C ANDLER , K ATIE T ARABOCHIA for their expertise and time to ensure our facility projects are well planned and successful. We are welcoming new members D AN O’M ELIA , D OUG F OLSOM and D EBBIE S MITH who are committed to making our winter destination so enjoyable for all. Please share your facility concerns with these members so they can address your concerns for the future. We say farewell to J UDY J URACH , a valuable member who has stepped aside to focus on needs at home. Thank you Judy for sharing your common sense and facility knowledge. Our next scheduled meetings are: Thursdays, February 7 & 21, 2PM - LP East Room All interested owners are always welcome. A VA F ELT , Chair


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