This year, there are two openings on the Board of Directors and there are three outstanding owners who are candidates: C HARLIE L EAHY , D ON R ENOE , and C RAIG W IRCH . Their Candidate statements are printed on the following pages. Remember you have two votes for two positions and one ballot for each lot owned. Ballots in the Mail February 4 Please follow instructions carefully for casting your ballots contained in your election materials. Ballots may be delivered as follows: Mail your ballot to the Inspectors of Election in the pre-addressed envelope provided. Remember to attach postage! Or, for your convenience, ballots may be dropped in a ballot box at La Palma (near the mailroom window) and postage is not required. Lastly, you may turn your ballot in to the Inspectors of Election during a registration period from 10:00AM to 10:30AM on March 8, at La Palma when the Annual Meeting is called to order and the polls will close. Ballots will not be accepted after 10:30AM when the ballot tabulation will begin.
Carolyn and I feel very fortunate that our first winter in California after several years in Florida brought us directly to our new home at ORPS. We drive home through a golf course, see the flowers, look up through the palm trees, and see snow on the mountain.
Our rental got off to a bad start when our bikes were stolen by cutting the lock cables. Becoming owners in 2017, I attended a meeting of the Safety and Security Committee, was appointed a member, and became Vice Chair at my first meeting. Before my second meeting the Chair resigned. Surprise. I was suddenly transformed from crime victim to Committee Chair. I quickly learned that using the Committee to constantly ask hard questions can draw attention to problems, and found we have a Board of Directors that is willing to make changes. It is gratifying to see the new energy and improvements in our Security this year. Several people asked me to run for the Board, suggesting I have skills that complement the current board. I joined General Motors as an engineering student at the Corvair assembly plant, and retired as a lawyer at GM headquarters. As a mechanical engineer, I lean toward thorough analysis of problems, look for the root cause, and seek the simple, effective and economical solution. As a lawyer, I learn by deep study of the documents and facts, listening carefully to people, formulating a thoughtful position, and then being quick to change my thinking when someone has a better idea. As a Board member, I will be interested in improving our experiences as owners and renters. I believe there is a wealth of untapped talent in our owners and would like to help reinvigorate our volunteer participation. I look forward to working with the ORPS management team to improve customer service through employee training and foresee many small changes that can pay big improvements. Our HOA is financially strong, and careful oversight can keep us there. Let’s celebrate our strengths, learn from any mistakes, and work diligently toward improvements, big and small.
However, early voting is encouraged, so…
Vote… and Vote Early!
If you do not receive your ballot, it gets lost or destroyed, you may obtain a replacement ballot from S USAN in the Board Room. If you did not request to have your ballot mailed to you here at ORPS, it would have been mailed to your permanent address of record. If so, before requesting a replacement ballot, please allow enough time for your mail to get forwarded to you here at ORPS, if you have mail-forwarding service.
Charlie Leahy - Lot 721
P.S. If you have emergency medical experience, such as nursing, medic, ski patrol, crisis counseling or other skills, please join our earthquake preparedness team!
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