Thinking Matters

The boys took part in a forensic crime scene investigation using their scientific logic to solve numerous challenges. The boys came third out of 24 other London schools – a great achievement! ‘The Salters’ Chemistry Festival really improved the teamwork between me and my friends as we had to identify a mysterious powder using scientific techniques and equipment. We were really pleased that we managed to come third! ‘ Christopher Millis, Year 8 At the end of the year, all Year 8 boys were set the challenge of identifying the strongest type of toilet roll. This learning (and schoolboy humour) opportunity enabled the boys to design and implement their own method for testing toilet roll strength. The reports demonstrated some fantastic and detailed experiments, planned and executed using sound scientific enquiry.

Throughout the year, the Lower School Science Society has hosted a packed schedule of activities including the heart and eye dissections, making fireworks, growing chemical gardens and ‘spy science’ activities, amongst others. The most recent of which had boys tackling the classic logic puzzle of decanting 300ml and 500ml containers into one another to end up with exactly 400ml. The boys found the hard part was doing this accurately and not spilling a drop, but some groups managed to get it exactly right through logical deduction and a steady hand. ‘I found the Lower School Science Society really challenging this week because it was something I have never done before – it was a new experience in measuring accurately and I was really pleased with my group’s result because we managed to get exactly 400ml. I feel that I am definitely going to get better at science.’ Ben Ramadhan, Year 7

Boys in the Lower School enjoy a wide range of scientific challenges throughout the year.


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