Thinking Matters

A diverse range of artists have spoken to the Art Society about their work, from the conceptual art of Turner Prize winner, Jeremy Deller, OA, to the architectural sculptures of Richard Wilson. These talks often inspire students to pursue their own work outside the College: ‘I believe that if you want something done, you need to do it yourself… Art has provided me with an indispensable opportunity to experiment with and refine my craft: in Year 12, I was able to make a short film as part of the course. Being allowed to make a film for school as opposed to having to fit shoots in around studies was very liberating.’ Will Reid, OA (1st year BA Film Production, Bournemouth University)

Artist Conrad Shawcross has been working with boys on the Laboratory project.

Art Society at Frieze 2014.

‘Dulwich Collage’ at the Dulwich Picture Gallery, ’en plein air’.

View from the Empire State Building by Will Reid on the 2013 trip to New York.


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