Thinking Matters

hemistry Chemistry is an exciting subject; intellectually demanding, inventive and vital to everyday life. By studying Chemistry, boys can also deepen their understanding of complementary subjects such as Biology and Physics.

‘The Leeds chemistry trip provided a welcome window into university life and undergraduate chemistry. We were able to live in student accommodation and undertake the same experiments as a first year student, which was both fun and challenging and allowed us to use the full range of equipment found in an advanced chemistry lab. There were also some interesting talks about the research projects being undertaken at the university and we were able to visit the labs where the experiments were taking place, which gave us a greater understanding of how chemistry is applied in the real world.’ James Davis, Year 13

We want to cultivate a genuine intellectual curiosity for Chemistry, and to engage the boys’ natural enthusiasm for scientific investigation and discovery. Practical work is an essential component, allowing the boys to develop their analytical skills and get first-hand experience of a wide range of interesting and useful chemical reactions. Chemistry is a popular subject, due to a combination of boys’ interests and because of the opportunities it can open up for them at university. Boys aiming to read Chemistry, or other sciences, at a top university are encouraged to attend events to broaden their chemical knowledge and stretch them beyond the confines of the A-level syllabus, such as the residential trip to Leeds University’s Chemistry department or lecture days (such as the Eureka Day) in London.

ChemSoc in Action - boys are amazed by the ‘Elephant’s Toothpaste’ demonstration.

Boys take part in the RSC’s national ‘Global Experiement’ to discover the vitamin C content of a range of fruits and vegetables.


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