Raise Youth Mentoring Program - 2021 Evaluation

At Raise, we do one thing and we do it really well – youth mentoring

We deliver in school mentoring for one hour a week for 20 weeks, typically for year 8 students. Our qualified Program Counsellor oversees volunteer mentors who work one on one with your students. We know the statistics below all too well and we also know the teenage years are a challenging time for young people. Since 2008, we’ve made it our mission to positively impact youth wellbeing and engagement through early intervention mentoring programs. We know that support from a caring independent mentor during this time can help young people cope better with life’s challenges. That’s why we deliver our evidence-based, best-practice youth mentoring programs to over 130 public secondary schools right across Australia.

Young people are the least likely group to ask for help

Suicide is the highest cause of death amongst young people

1 in 10 are disengaged from education

1 in 4 are unhappy with their lives

3 in 5 experience bullying

Our differentiators

One-to-one face to face

Program is fully supervised by a qualified counsellor, who manages the program from end to end.

Raise recruits, screens and

Screening of mentors includes WWCC, national police checks and screening for suitability.

Mentors complete ongoing training and skill development in their weekly mentor support sessions that are conducted immediately after mentoring.

youth mentoring conducted on site at the school.

trains our mentors who are bound by a strict code of conduct.

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