King's Business - 1910-08


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The King's Business


AUGUST, 1910

NO. 8

Conference Number

4 » «§»

"I love to read the Bible. It lies nightly on a table by my bedside. I can not understand why so many people do not read this great book. Whenever I have to decide some weighty question, I ask myself what the Bible, in just such a case as perplexes me, would teach me to do."—Emperor William of Germany.



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Forever, O Lord, Thy Word is settled in Heaven.—Psalm 119:89 ÍtS¡|TjmiÍtítttl> (Incorporated ) 260-264 South Main Street (Second Floor) bos Angeles, California DIRECTORS: D A n r. . • , . , Lyman Stewart, President Rev. A. B. Prichard. Vice Pres. T r u - c B. C. Atterbury, M. D. Secretary-Treas. r J h S T ' c ' T "' F A If I_. I „ vwr c DI . Madden, Supt. Extenñon Work A " K - H a c k e t t W - E - Blackstone S. I. Merrill W. L. Green ' DOCTRINAL STATEMENT We hold to the Historic Faith of the Church as exnressed in n Creed of Evangelical Christendom and including: ? * C ° m m 0 n The Trinity of the Godhead Tho ¿ • 1 The Deity of the Christ. Í M 3 S É I of Good Works. The Personality of the Holy Snirit ? e 0 0 n d < ? T 1 D g o f C h r i s t - The Supernatural a u d P l L a r y a u - I t Soul, thority of the Holy Scriptures 7 The n f p T ^ V * t h ! B ° d y - The Fellowship of the Church. M m e v e ^ a s t l n S of Believers. The Substitutionary Atonement. nenHenf P u m s h m e n t o f W Im- The Necessity of the New Birth. e Beality and Personality of Satan. Purpose o f ? o t t I ? n H Í L \ t r a Í I í S , a C C r e d Í t e d m e n a n d tornen, free ot cost, in the knowledge and use of the Bible. Departments J^ndf"™ 6 C l a s s e s h e l d d a i l y ¡ j ¡ | 8 a t " - (2) Extension Work. Classes and conferences held ' in neighboring cities and towns. t r e n c es iieict

t J J \ Evangelistic Meetings conducted by eompe tent evangelists under our direction. P (4) 'Spanish Mission. Meetings every night for Spanish-speaking people and house visitation g factories^aH the°year. - v i c e s in shops and f o r ( ^ e J H ^ e w E T o g p l e i S m - work in homes b o í h L d B c w T ° m e n - H ° U S e - t 0 ' h 0 U S e w o r k - i g l ,- n e t ^ a q u l r c f ^ W " k | f | " l e 4 0 0 0 | f | f fieífe 0 1 1 F Í e W S ' A m Í S S Í O n t 0 t h e m e n o n t h e o i l

S P selected books and tracts. PRAY FOR THE WORK AND WORKERS OF THE INSTITUTE, If ye abide in me and My Words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will and it shall be done unto you.—John 15:7. 8 a l e a n d distribution of W t L B K ° ° \ 3 4 . T r a f S -


Keeping to the Main Issue.

K >.

The Christian Church becomes shorn of its power when it fails to keep " elearly • in view and work steadily toward, the distinctive object for which it i 4 exists. The Christian Church is in the world primarily, through the plan and purpose of God, to bear witness to the saving power of the Lord Jesus Christ; A . to so lift Him up before all men that through Him all men may have salvation. This mission, clearly recognized, will save the Church from many /snares S " a n l i pitfalls. As the Church has kept its essential work foremost, and by prayer and the exercise of faith has striven to evangelize the multitudes, it has waxed mighty; but when it has exalted secondary and subsidiary objects, it has been inconsequential and ineffective. The sum of the teaching of the New Testament is that the Christian Church t 4 ' is ordained of' God to so proclaim the Gospel that men may be saved from their sin. The Church is called, therefore, not to engage, primarily, in sociological effort; or ih acquainting any class of men with the attitude of the Church toward them as a class; or in adjusting matters of difference between capital and labor; •j or to attempt to do many other things of minor importance, bht to call all men to repentance and to 'faith in Jesus Christ and Him crucified. In our time the. religious press is full of accounts of subordinate and super- ficial efforts to lift mankind. These efforts are doubtless inspire^ by the fact I that multitudes s e e m - t o be out of sympathy with the Christian Church. But * this fact is the symptom, it is not the disease. To deal with the symptom and : not with, the disease, is un-Christian. N F o r example, effort to interpret i the church to any particular class of men, and any particular class of men to t h eCh u r c h, is of but scant value unless "the H claims of the Lord Jesus Christ on every man as a personal Saviour are pressed ¡¿M home on the heart and conscience of every man. Look, for instance, at the labor- ing man, about whom much is now being said and written. Like every other a man, the laboring man, first of all, is a sinner. He needs a Saviour. He needs to be led to understand that the first thing for him is to seek the kingdom of * God and His righteousness. When the Christian Church goes to the laboring man, and preaches the Gospel in its fullness to the laboring man, there will be a spiritual awakening among laboring men and sinners will be converted unto God.. And this applies to all sorts and conditions of men. The Church's inclusive mission is evangelism. "When any man is regener- ated by the Spirit of God,- and-is a true. disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ, all * ' subordinate needs of his life will be met. • Hence evangelism is the all-compre- hensive matter. "When the Church is truly and continually evangelistic in its sp:rit and work, no need of mankind- will be foreign to it. "When men seek first ^ the kingdom of God; when men are regenerated through the Spirit of God; when they follow in faith and obedience the Lord Jesus Christ, then all questions re- lating to their temporal well-being will be settled rightly. The message of the Lord Jesus Christ to His Church is:, " P r e a ch the Gospel to every creature; bear witness to MY saving power to all me n ." EVERY CHURCH IN UNION WITH THE HEAD OP THE CHURCH WI LL KE EP TO THE MAIN ISSUE. Prom " T h e Bible for T o d a y ."

The Sky Piolol Sunday School at Mojava Every Boy and Girl in the Town Excepting three

Th e Oil Field Evangelist JOHN LOWE- W. M. SLOAN THE LIGHT THAT NEVER FAILS. Word of God, how glorious! VJ7Thy light, from age to age, Still guides our bark victorious O'er all the storms that rage. To hide Thee from our eyes, The father of all lies His baleful magic plies, With diligence laborious. A thousand lanterns spurious Allure us with their glow, And storms of hate injurious Our beacon would o'erthrow;

But all his rage we mock, For on the eternal rock It laughs at every- shock, However fierce and furious. ivr °W, robed in light to flatter us, He fain would guide our helm; Anon his billows batter us, Our hope to overwhelm. But steadfast on we sail, While thy clear beam we hail, He never can prevail Upon the baach to shatter us. a. H. s



from grace as much who do it, to deny the substitutionary sacrifice, and con- sequent justification by grace through faith today i as it was in the case of Galatia when Pa.ul protested against it. Once more, it destroys the whole testi- mony of the Evangel to ; teach, or con- cede,' that Christ has not risen, today, as when Paul condemned that heresy. But all this and more is ignored by thousands- of ministers, theological pro- • Vfessors, prominent philanthropists, re- ligious educators, and even missionar- ies, .¿or the sake of uniting Jew, Gen- tile, and the Church of God, in the propaganda to amend the social and economic disorder " u n d er the s u n ." - Differences MB. ROOSEVELT m May Be Vital his written address to the World's Missionary Conference said, " Emp h a s is is to be put upon 'doing the will'; if only we can -make up our minds to work to- gether with earnest sincerity for the common goou, we' shall find that 'doc- trinal differences in no way interfere with our doing this wo r k ." Mr. Rooose- Velt- is not meaning to' ignore doctrinal differences, he distinctly asserts that .elsewhere. But would he so address-'a national gathering of Socialists, Repub- "-li'fians, and Democrats 1 Would he urge them to lay aside, their differences and labor for the common good? ; Would triey not reply, " H o w, can we ¡ignore pur differences when they involve the very question as to what is most for tha common good." If the church and • mission work were merely for the social advancement of humanity it would be another thing. Our specific business is the evangelization of the world, and t h e. gospel we have to preach is the vital point.. - . fS No.-Part with It is absolutely 1m- Infidels possible to unite the whole body of profess- ing Christians on a, platform including the doctrines of—An Authoritative Bible, an Incarnate God, a Risen,,., Christ, a Substitutionary ,¡Cross, and Salvation by grace pure and simpler on the ground of an Imputed Righteous- ness reckoned to faith alone. It is equally impossible to unite the rem- nant of true believers on any basis which rejects, or discounts all, or either of those 'truths which aie the character- istics of historic, apostolic, and Messi- anic Christianity, apart from which it is reduced to a mere rationalistic and ethical philosophy.

, NOTES BY THE WAY. , By J. H. Sammis. Th


Fulfilling " I n the latter times f a i t h ." He said that " W e have lost Scriptures some shall depart from the faith in some things? and g a i n ^ t h d n ^ r * „fcoM a ' ( I T l m - f ay - " Se - i n o t h e r s ." We have lost faith " I n su- ducers shall wax worse and wo r s e ," pernatural manifestations of power ; ' v. 8 0 H g o e s - U h a s (miracles) in certain dogmas and for- m a ? y partisans mulas once supposed to be essential to were hopeful that they might elect a salvation." We have gained " f a i t h in destructive critic to the Moderatorship man, faith in law, faith in the truths of the Presbyterian General Assembly, of nature, and faith in the God of ius- X S £ £ W a S D O t fipe, and t i c e ." So we see how we and our S o 7 i v ^ . e T f r • C O m e W h e n t h a t f a t h e r s h a v e b e e n ' ' following cunning- staunch body shall give way to seduct- ly devised f a b l e s ." We are now to. w l p P i r i v T h e proposed candidate transfer our trust to man! Well—look was Prof. Zenos of McCormick, and his at the trusts! There is the Hon Sugar name is one of the attractions at the Trust, and the Et. Rev. Beef Trust, and Winona Lake Bible Conference this sea- the Eminent Railway Trust, and the Z ^ t ^ f f t ^ V w ! Mosaic au- Legislative trusts, and the Congres- thorship of the Pentateuch. To him sional trusts. It will doubtless enhtnce Deuteronomy is a forgery of Josiah's our confidence in man to contemplate day, seven centuries only before Christ; Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, New York, t T r i . T ™ Maccabean Chicago, .San Francisco; yes, and Ot- times, only 170(f) B. C. Moses did not tawa, and Toronto, to say nothing of write the one, nor Daniel the other. London, Paris, etc. And where there Yet our Lord endorses the traditional are the thousands of honorable gentle- S a l . ' W y , men gathering in the Trust graft, and The Same The Chicago Interior, for- the Political graft, and the general com- K , t U r e & * 1 t 0 , t h e W o r d o f mercial graft, th4re are Millions 7 f a P * l d a n u u < l u a l i " their denunciators who would gladly Fulfilled fied tribute of praise to one have a hand in it if they could No, i i. • P P J o h " McPadyen, we shall still heed the wisdom that says , b e 6 " C l n e i f r T K n o x «ot your trust in princes, nor in Toronto, to fill the chair va- the son of man, whose breath is in his cated at Glasgow, by Prof. Geo. Adam nostrils. And as for " f a i t h in l a w " Smith, who is adeanced to a pres- and " f a i t h in the truths of n a t u r e ," laency, tnough a destructive critic, by W e would as lief put our trust in the the descendants of John Knox. Prof, ancient idols which had neither hands S ™ , W f » t h e ! t r V 1 - e e t - to help, nor hearts to sympathize. It is the church he loves»," so enthusiastic- not true that this is an age of f a i t h! J appiauaea Dy the interior, may be i t i s an age of suspicion, of detective very accurately described as blue-pen- agencies, of chilled iron safes, and luterrogation point from top vaults, and time locks, and M a x i i guns to bottom of such pages of Holy Writ and dreadnoughts. An age when every- t L L 7 T Z W + f ^ L a t t f < n t l o n ' thing is doubted, an age of criticisin, The second chapter of Genesis is " a po- a n . of investigations. " T h y word is etic account, mythology if you l i k e ." T r u t h ." " Y e a, let God be true and Jehovah was originally a loeal God, every man a liar " and his home was the neighborhood of "New " T he Biblical Wo r l d ," Sinai, or Horeb, "possib y a foreign Christianity" the organ of the Chi- God and a God of war, who was mas- C a g 0 University, the ter of the elements " Concerning the. theological department of that institu- • of Jericho, " F r om this point of tion. claims for " T h e new Christian- view (that it was poetic folk lore) there i t y " the position that " I f there be is no need to assume a miracle." That a controversy between Genesis and & imagination not ""by faith, the geology/ the new Christianity will walls of .Jericho fell d own ." We can s t a n d with geology. The record left in not sympathize with the Interior in its the strata of the earth cannot be im- lament over the loss of the professor panned by a poet of the prescientific from America nor bid its " Go d s p e e d" a g 9 , even though that poet be also a « « » " i; ° h n . T T ,, T-.-rcphet of a higher conception of God Still Further President Hadley, of than had before his day prevailed. In Fulfillment Yale has been preach- conformity to the same principle, the l n § M 8 graduating n e w Christianity will accept the as- c ass.- He assured the young men that S U r e d results of historical investigation " T h i s is an age of faith and a land of i n t o the records of ancient times Be-

shall be at one with it, and new and old will be brought into harmony. For geology and Genesis are quite in agree- ment as Dana, Dawson, and many others equally competent, have repeatedly af- firmed. And Hommel, Hilprecht, Petrie, Sayce and Clay, and almost every mas- ter in Archeological science, over and over, affirm that the records of secular and sacred history are wonderfully har- monious. But the Chicago professors and the " n e w Christianity" will not consent to the truth. WORKERS' CONFERENCE There is one more organization need- ed; i. e., one to stop, the organization of any more organizations. You can not conceive of life without an organism. Organism, plus organism is organiza- tion. The organization bears testimony to the organism. . A church building bears witness to a company of believers—an organiza- tion—which bears witness to the Church of Christ, an organism. Involution must nrecede evolution. A stranded automobile is a pitiful sight, but more so a Christian church without power. Religious anarchy is no more' respec- table than social anarchy. 0 'Knocking' is not a sign of spirit- ual l i f e :" We must recognize organization in church and state as part of the Holy Spirit's expression of His work in the world. Doctor Locke. A hero is one who places duty before life. If we have Christ we shall wield a hero's scepter and wear a crown. The new heroism is the old heroism anew. There is only one failure in life, and that is not to be true to one's best. All our environment requires faith. Selfishness is suicide. Character is the fine art of giving up. We must adjust our compass to serv- ice. , My rights end where my brother's begin. Who seeks for happiness alone will lose it. Do riot let anyone dethrone you of your prayer life.

ligion has its rights, but so also has history, and one of these is that it be studied by historical methods.'' "The new Christianity" is very much like the old in this most reason- able attitude. But will the .."New Christianity" be as Christian as the old in accepting the opposite principle, viz., when Genesis and geology are agreed, and when " t h e assured results of historical investigation" harmonize with the Bible record, will it give the Old Book the due credit? If so, we FIRST ANNUAL CHRISTIAN ' The Christian Workers' Conference, held at the Institute, June 20-30, was a vindication of the Christian enter- prise of ; its projectors. So eminent a success is the harbinger of future feasts of the same flavor, and warrants us in designating it " T h e First An- nual." Besides Drs. McAfee and Gil- christ from Berkeley and San Francis- co, a strong list of speakers, ministers and laymen, of this city, took part in the* program, and demonstrated the self- sufficiency of t o s Angeles to supply 'the intellectual, experimental, and spir- itual helpers for sueh a gathering. All the sessions were well attended, several indicated the need of larger ac- commodations for future conferences. The topics were timely and close to the work and its needs; and not one of them was handled except by such as were qualified by experience to do 39. A devotional and practical spirit char- acterized the whole session. PREGNANT POINTS FROM THE CONFERENCE. But meager notes of the conference utterances were made. , That some speakers are more fully reported than others is not du6 to the superior value of their remarks. Some speakers as well as much excellent discourse were not recorded. Verbal accuracy is not claimed for the following quotations: Doctor Pritchard. 'Churches are necessary for the con- servation of results. The -message should minister to the upbuilding of the churches. Deficiencies of the churches are: Bi- ble study, faith, Holy Spirit, prayer, surrender, assurance, testimony, mo- tive, love, loyalty, personal responsi- bility, reverence. Our charches are full of statues.

Rev. Eussel Greaves. The primary work of the Church to- day is to preach the truth. The Word should be preached faith- fully and the rest left to the Holy Spirit. Foolishness in the preaching is not the foolishness of preaching. Preaching is the spoken communica- tion of divine truth with a view to persuasion. Dr. Jefferson's definition of a sermon is, " A sermon is a solemn warning, a bugle call to duty, a burning condem- nation, an earnest Stroke against a great wrong, an exhortation to high enueavor; the illumination of a ma- jestic t r u t h . " There must be a personal basis to our preaching, " wh om we preach, not what we p r e a c h ." Christianity differs from philosophy as fact, from fancy. Doctor Wishard. In speaking on the inspiration of the Word, said that it: 1, enlightens; 2, instructs; 3, con- victs; 4, converts; 5, comforts; 6, nour- ishes; 7, keeps. A thing is important for two reasons pnly: 1, as to what it is; 2, as to what it does. The hope of an unbeliever is a dark tunnel. Hammer with love, and hammer with tears. We want to hold the people up be- fore the mirror (the Wo r d ). . Eev. J. E. Pratt. x wo-thirds of the human race are without the knowledge of the Gospel. The kitchen is as much in need of the Gospel as the pulpit. We make a mistake in underestimat- ing our influences. Beware of running ahead of God as well as of running behind. Is not the prevailing danger that we occupy with ourselves more than with the Lord. Do not argue, preach the Word. At the flood there were no little pleasure yachts for associate members. Eev. J. H. Habbick. On Religious Pads: The cheaper, more stupid, more assi- nine, the religious tenets, the more some people like them. Some people have not more religion than cuticle. You get fossilated staying up in the tower so much. T would rather deal with hoboes than with the astute church goers.

Eev. Mr. Buell. One mouthful of solid dogma is worth many of polished periods. A church must live and work among the leaves of the Holy Book. Por effectiveness we must have the co-operation of the Spirit through the spoken Word. I t is no use going through the Bible if you do not let the Bible go through you. Doctor McAffee. The best translation of the Bible is my mother's translation. Some people can't be heard because their lives are making so much more noise than their voices. Doctor Eyland. We are afraid to accept the Lord as our teacher. Miss Cogswell. " A s He is, so are w e " (1 Jno. 4:17). " A s ' ' is the connecting link between the Lord and His followers. When we have the life of Christ, and then only, we shall realize the standard of Christ. Mrs. Manson. The spiritualizing and appropriation of the prophecies by the Church is a great cause of non-success of Jewish evangelization. The Jews misunder- stand Christians, and Christians Jews. The Jews see only spurious Christian- ity. Mr. Ematt. The Bible is a diamond- mine with gems of priceless value. As the miner on his knees with his lamp on his cap and pick in his hand, so should the Christian be seen digging for hid treas- ure. Mr. Jamieson. Whatever humbles us and exalts Christ makes us think much of Him. Mr. Leary. I t is not clothes that make the man, but the man that makes the clothes. Mr. Sweet. I t takes the Methodist to dig the sin- ner up, the Baptist to wash him, and the Presbyterian to put in the starch and the blue. Dr. Gilchrist. San Francisco has no child labor problem, but a child idleness prob- lem. Of 87,696 children of school age, 39,292 are either irregular or non- attendant. San Francisco has & six- teenth century Christianity, plus a condition of deep depravity, and a Mc- Carthy mayoralty. The remedy needed is personal work on the part of indi- viduals; unremitting evangelistic ef-

tion from one who does. " L a y , " to cause to lie flat, to place in a low position; to put down. Some- times to beat down. There was a time when all of these definitions fitted the layman. When he had no learning. When the clergy placed him in a low position so they could walk on him. They not only put hxm down, but they sometimes beat him down. But as Lincoln said, " God must have loved them for He made so many of t h em . '' And so dense was their ignorance and so well nigh universal the ighorance that when one, by su- perior talents, forced himself up above the common herd, he found himself as lonely as a ham sandwich in a Jew pic-: nic. But now how changed. Now the laymen are the scholars in distinction from the clergy. Once laymen was spelled " l a m e m a n" mentally and spir- itually. Now, most of the limping is done by the clergy in the mental and spiritual realm.

fort on the part of the churches; defi- nite invasion of the' foreign element; and a go after the children; with an institution backed by a million dollars to carry on the work. Mr. Eobt. Watchorn's address was one of the most powerful of the Con- ference. Taking the ground that " t h e c l e r g yma n" is " a necessity," he held that the " l a y m a n " is "indispens- a b l e " ; he established the place and work of the latter by eloquent refer- ence to such men as David Livingston, Dr. Barnardo, Robert Raikes, and Dr. ¡Grenfell. Among the many interesting and in- spiring things . by . Mr. McVey was a pathetic picture of heathen destitution and appeal. While the steamer lay in a Chinese port and the plentiful and luxurious array of a great steamship's dinner-spread was laid in the cabin, two .'wistful faces of Chinese girls appeared peering in at a port-hole, and two hands stretched out imploringly. This to the speaker was symbolic of the spiritual destitution and mute appeal of heath- endom to Christendom. Mr. S. I. Merrill, Pres. Cal. Industrial Co., spoke of the layman as follows: Webster's definition of " l a y m a n " is [ " O n e of. the people" in distinction I from the clergy. Sometimes, a man F who docs not belong to one or the f Q.ther learned professions, in distinc-

Once the clergy knew all that was known of God's Word, and the laymen knew but little about it. Now the thing is reversed. If some Of the clergy don't sit down low at the feet of. the laymen, it is because their knees are so unaccustomed to bending that they can't sit down on the low seat assigned them. Brief Thoughts For Busy Teachers International Sunc A s T a u g ht by T. C. Horton at the LESSON VI. Sunday, August 7, 1910. JESUS ON THE WAY TO JERUSA- LEM. Matt. 19:1-2, 13-15. Golden Text—Matt. 19:14. THEME: Wayside Words. OUTLINE. 1. Loving Little Children 1-2 13-15 2. Lacking and Losing 16-22 [ay School Lesson Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal. sees had projected the question of di- vorce, and following his answer He gave message concerning the children. (1) LOVING LITTLE CHILDREN. "Forbid them not to come unto Me:" This picture of- the mothers pressing into the presence of the Saviolir with their children is one of the most ten- der and touching in His whole life. I t is one" of the chosen themes of the artists. Some may have come with their sick children for healing and oth- ers for the magic touch. Rebuking the Mothers. The disciples rebuked the good women who sought the blessing for their children. These 3. Lucre Loving a Hindrance to Heaven —- 23-26 After tiie transfiguration scene the Lord tarries two or three months in Galilee. He then makes his way into Berea. Multitudes followed Him and He healed and helped them. The Phari-

disciples were slow to learn, but no more so than are the followers of to- day. They had forgotten already the lesson of the Christ given in 18:2-5. They considered them of small impor- tance. Why should the Master be bothered with them? Rebuking the Disciples. The Lord was displeased with His disciples. He loves the children; He longs for them; His arms are outstretched for them. " B r i n g them to M e , " is His command. We hear much about the child problem, but it is easy of solution— bring them to Jesus. He will take them into His arms and bless them. If He blesses children, will He not bleps those who carry them to Him? How sad to know that often the Church has ignored the children; has doubted their ability to trust the Lord. It is not enough to bring them to Sunday school, or to ehurch. Many drift through both places and never find the Lord. Bring them to Jesus; put them by faith into His arms and they will be safe. If the Lord loves them we are all sure that the devil hates then), and longs to get them into his possession. Not more than fifty per cent, of the child- ren of the State are brought into the Sunday school and not more than thir- ty per cent, of those in the Sunday school are won for Christ. The child problem is easy of solution if we could but see it. A little girl was turned loose in one of the upper counties of New York. Six generations of her de- scendants produced a large number of idiots, imbeciles, drunkards, lunatics, paupers and prostitutes, and two hun- dred known criminals, costing the State hundreds of thousands of dollars. Sup- posse she had been taken by some one to the loving Lord. What then? (k) LACKING AND LOSING. "One thing thou lackest." "He went away sorrowful." In contrasct with the mothers seek- ing a blessing for the children is the picture of the young man seeking eter- nal life. The incident can be treated in varied steps. "Mi s s i ng the Ma r k ," " T h e True T e s t ," " T h e Hindering Power of We a l t h ," " L a c k i ng One Thing and Losing All Th i n g s ," and " T u r n i ng the Back upon Ch r i s t ." Any one of these would make a practical theme. Seeking eternal life. Here is a young man who is a rich, educated, religious, moral, honest in- quirer. He is breaking from the reli-

gion of the synagogue. He is courage- ous, risking his position and the pos- sible reproval of his associates. He has high aspirations and holy zeal. The first view of this young man is inspir- ing. A rich ruler on the run for sal- vation. We see him kneeling at the feet of the Saviour and reverently call- ing Him "Go od Ma s t e r ." He was honest—unlike the dishonest lawyer who asked Him a similar question. He was himself a teacher and believed in the life to come. In all of his studies and practices he had never found any place for his soul. Now in his eager- ness to reach the solution of his soul need, he broke through all of the cus- toms of the Orient. He was an excep- tional character and religiously moral, and the Lord looked upon him and loved him. He came to the right place to secure the one thing needful—the feet of Jesus. He had wrong ideas of the Master. He looked upon Him as a good man, and this the Lord resented. He will never accept the title, or ac- knowledge tribute paid to Him on that plane. " T h e re is none good but o n e ." Why do you not call me Goa? " M a r k 10:18). He failed to see that He was God manifest in the flesh. He had wrong conceptions of eternal life. He thought it could be purchased or mer- ited by some deed or service. This error is universal. Everywhere men all seeking to do something that they may be saved, and this weary treadmill of work is vain. It is no longer do but done. Salvation has been wrought out at a great price. It is finished. There is nothing left but to accept what God offers, without money and without prie«. Sent to the Law. He had a wrong estimate of his own goodness. He wanted to do something, so the Lord sent him to the law. If he can keep the whole law he shall live, but he must keep it every whit. " T h e man that doeth these things shall live by them. He was ignorant of the real meaning of the law and ignorant of his one frailty. He had lived a life of exter- nal obedience and outward moral rec- titude. His interpretation of the law was mechanical. " W h a t lack I. y e t ? " His hungry soul is not satisfied, and he thinks he is ready to do anything. \vhat more is there to do, he asks? Thi? reveals the, heart of the Pharisee. Had he been under thé power of the Spirit he would have said all these

have I broken from my youth up. He Would have confessed himself a sinner and cried for salvation, rte throws down the gauntlet: " W h a t lack I y e t ? " and the Lord accepts the • challenge. The searching test. The Lord has a sure test for every soul. If this young man is honest, if he really wants eter- nal life, and wants to do something, he shall have his desire granted. ' ' Sell all. ' ' This reply startled the enthusi- ast. He was rudely awakened. He was looking for some new commandment. He was unprepared for such a demon- stration as this. He wants life, but he is staggered at the cost. Sell all, leave his possessions and position, part company with his wealth, follow the lowly Nazarene! His eternal destiny hangs on a decision. He must choose between Christ and his possessions, be- tween a house on earth and one in heaven. He would gladly have raised his hand for prayer, or joined a church, but to decide out and out for Christ, this was too much for him; the love of wealth masterèd him, and he turned away sorrowful. He came running, went away reluctantly; he came hope- ful and went away hopeless. He came seeking and went away sorrowful. His désire for life was secondary to his de- sire for wealth. He went back to his possessions and attempted to be happy and to enjoy the things which cost him eternal happiness. Self renunciation is the price of real life. He did not know how much he loved his possessions un- til he faced the prospect of losing them. "Follow m e " — " W h e r e ?" The motley CTowd was not attractive; the prospect not pleasing; riches in heaven were vague, he thought; his own riches were so real. To every man there comes some lot which tries his soul and reveals his real desire. (3) LUCRE LOVING. " I t is hard for a rich man." • Here is an awfully solemn warning concerning the snare or riches. All through the New Testament are the red lights, warning of the danger of wealth. " A n d the rich man He sent away emp t y ." Luke 1-53. " T h e ground of a certain ' rich man ' ' Luke 12:16.' " T h ou fool, this n i g h t ." " A certain rifih man clothed in purple," and " i n hell he lifted up his e y e s ." Luke 16:19-22. " T h e deceitfulness of r i c h e s" Mark 4:19. " G o to, ye rich men; weep and h ow l ," Jas. 5:1. " N o t to trust in uncertain riches, " 1 Tim. 6:17. " T h ey that will be r i c h ." " S o

also shall the rich man fade in his wa y s ," Jas. 1:11. " I t is not impos- sible to save a rich man. . . With God all things are possible:" It is not only those who are rich, but those also who are poor and who love, riches. What makes it hard for a rich man or for a man who wants riches is the test applied to his heart. The Lord looked upon him and loved him, but he looked not upon the Lord to love him. He loved his riches. He did not love God with all his heart, and he did not love his neighbor as himself. Riches so often form a curse. Most of the chil- dren of the rich are absorbed in world- liness and never have any heart for the lowly Christ. The love of money proves to be a root of all evil. • POINTS PRACTICAL. Whoever is called to partake of sal- vation is called to participate in ser- vice. The world is the vineyard and the work is varied. The worker is worthy of his wages and the Lord will pay the price. God carefully notes the conduct of the servant and the character of his service. The Ignorant, Indifferent and Idle will suffer loss. He who takes advantage of the open door for. service will be first'; who trifles with opportunity will be last; LESSON VII. Sunday, August 14. Laborers and Vineyard (Matt, 20:1-16). Golden Text—Matt. 19:30. THEME: Work and Wages. OUTLINE. 1. The Call to Service. 2. The Conditions of Service. 3. The Compensation of Service. , ,4. The Controversy over Settlement. I t is of importance in the study of this Parable that it be viewed in its proper setting. Much of diflHiulty would be obviated if we were more thorough in our habits of Bible study. We are inclined to take passages out Qf their context and endeavor to make them fit any theory we may hold. Pol- lowing the incident of the rieh young ruler when the Lord said " A rich man shall haTdly enter into the Kingdom of H e a v e n" and the disciples answered " Wh o then can be s a v e d ?" Peter asked another question, "Behold we have forsaken all and followed thee. What shall we have t h e r e f o r e ?" Then Jesus made the promise, that they should be seated upon the twelve

thrones judging the twelve tribes, and that all sacrifices for His Name's sake should be rewarded in this life an hun- dred fold, closing with the words of the , Golden Text, " B u t many that are first shall be last and the last shall be first.'' The Parable of our lesson follows with the words of the Golden Text trans- posed. It is evident then that the Parable must find its explanation in the light of these twice repeated words. The Call. It is a truism that no parable can be made to go on all fours; that is, all of the details of a parable are not intended to teach truth, and the gravest injustice is often done in the effort to press all of the details into an interpretation of the text. This parable has had a great many explana- tions which seem to us to be f ar from satisfactory. God is not represented here as hiring servants as men hire them. He is represented, however, as a householder, and the servants repre- sent those who are related to Him as believers. There is no question of sal- vation in the parable for salvation can- not be by any means related to work. " B y grace ye are s a v e d" (Eph. 2:8). ' ' The g i ft of God is Eternal Life (Rom. 6:23). God has need of work- ers and calls those who are His own to service. The call comes through the Word, or through the Spirit or by His Providence. " Go y e " is the command, into my vineyard. There are five dis- tinct calls noted. Early in the morning, at daybreak, because the work is great and pressing, the third hour, the sixth hour, the ninth hour, the eleventh hour. There was a response to each call. God does not call the ambitious to His ser- vice. How could He? The gift of life implies a call to service. Service is the normal occupation of the believer. The Condition. The vineyard is the common term to represent the place of service (Mark 12:1-9; Matt. 21:28-41). There is work demanded, and there is room for all of God's servants. The conditions are simple. Work is to be done for Him who hath called us. We are to obey instructions. The work is His. He plans it; we prosecute it; each must do the task allotted. " T o every one his w o r k " ;(Mark 13:34). There are messages to carry, there is seed to sow, there is property to be man- aged, vines are to be pruned, grapes are to be gathered, money is to be invested, there are fields to be ploughed, there are sheep to be fed and lambs to be tended; there is the work in the house

and in the field; the duties are varied; the work is important, and the time is short. Go work today (Matt. 21:28). The laborers are few (Matt. 9:37). The Householder will do the right thing by every workman. Go to work now. The night comes when no man can work. (John 9:4). The Compensation. When even was come He called the laborers and paid them. This was according to Jewish law. " T h ou shalt not defraud thv neighbor, neither rob him; the wages of him t h a t, is hired shall not abide with thee all night until the morning (Lev. 19:13). Every one received the same amount and there was perfect jus- tice in the payment. The eleventh hour workmen were paid what the house- holder deemed right, and the early morning workers were paid according to the agreement entered into when they were hired. Some had worked longer than others, but every man was paid in full. The men were lined up for t payment beginning with the last employed and ending with the first. In this way the truth was brought out concerning the heart of the early work- ers; had they ben paid first and gone away there would have been no ground for complaint. Service for the Lord is not measured by quantity but by qual- ity. This is wonderfully illustrated in the awards for service in 1 Cor. 3:12-15, the motive in service playing the prom- inent part. Jacob bargained with the Lord and promised .that if He would bless him he would give Him a tenth. (Gen. 28:20-22). And this in the face of the fact that God had already prom- ised to be with him, bless him and bring him back to the land and give him the land for a possession. The Complaint. The early dawn workers found fault with the House- holder. They called in question the equity o. the settlement. Had they lived in our day, they would have called a strike and boycott. The essential truth in the lesson is found in the answer given . by the Householder. " F r i e n d, I do thee no wrong.", " I s it not lawful for me to do what I will with my own ?" " I s thine eye e v i l ?" First, remember, it is not designed to teach that all who labor will be saved. Salvation is not in question, but Service is the theme. Second, it does not teach that rewards will be equal, no matter what the ser- vice. That would not .be just, and other parables teach the contrary.

panorama, the details of the awful Buf- fering which awaited Him—the be- trayal, the condemnation, the mockery, the scourging, the cruel cross and death and the coming forth from the grave. Mark says that the disciples were amazed and afraid (Mark 10:32-34). Luke says that they did not under- stand these things (Luke 18:31-34). The saying was hidden; it was too much for them to comprehend, and they were stupefied and dazed at the thought of such a sorrow. The Lord Jesus had set His face as a flint, and went for- ward with unfaltering steps (Matt. 26:53; John 10:17-18) unmoved and im- movable in His purpose. " I was not rebellious, neither turned away, b a c k " (Isa. 1:5-6). His heart was set on finishing the work for which He came into the world. (2) THE PLEA FOE PREFERMENT. "One on the right and one on the l e f t ." The strong contrast with the surren- dered will of the Lord Jesus, is the self- seeking of the Zebedee family. Mat- thew says the mother came with the request. Mark says Peter and John came (Mark 10:35). Probably the mother voiced the plea. He had told them that they should sit upon the twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes (Matt. 19:28), and they imagine that the time is near at hand, and in their vain ambition they seek the fa- vored places. These two men, together with James, had been honored in the house of Jairus (Luke 8:51), and at the Transfiguration (Mark 9:2) and they think themselves more worthy than the others. How sharp is the re- buke, and how well merited: " Y e know not what ye ask.'.' How much of our praying is void of understand- ing. We ask for things without thought of the consequences; we seek His bless- ing upon plans that have not been given us by Himself. How the natural heart longs for place and privilege. How little they apprehended the way of the Cross. It was easy to promise to drink the cup and be baptized with the baptism, but it would be another thing to do it. It is easy to make promises and pledges and profession, but it is another thing to make them good. How few are ready to pay the price of the best place. How few have the merit of Christ (Phil. 2:5-8). I t is one +hing to sirg and testify, and quite another to take up the cross and follow Christ. It is one thing to volunteer for

(Luke 19:13; Matt. 25:15). Third, it teaches the sovereignty of the Lord, and that the test in service is oppor- tunity. There is a difference in priv- ilege, and God's estimate of the be- liever's work will be based upon their faithfulness to the opportunities given them. The time element is not the only one; the character of service is to be taken into account. Only those mur- mured who had bargained for wages. Tney wanted more than was promised them; they worked for wages, not for the Master. The others made no bar- gain, but trusted to the grace and good- ness of the Householder. The Jews thought that by reason of their cov- enant relations, they were entitled to the best seats in the synagogue; but when the Master came in, He took the place at the other end of the table, and they were in the lowest place. God is Sovereign: He is faithful and just: He deals graciously. He will fulfill every promise, but He will do even more than that. He is not unfaithful to remember the works of love. Ser- vice should be rendered from the high- est motive, and every opportunity should be improved to glorify His name. When God reaches a settlement there will be some great surprises. Many who are first now will be found to be last then. 2. The Plea for Preferment (20-23). 3. The Place of the Disciple (24-28). 4. The Prayer for Sight (29-34). On His way from Perea to the Holy City Jesus passes Jericho. The Moun- tains of Jerusalem are in sight, and He takes His diseiples apart by themselves to warn them concerning the coming conflict and suffering. (1) PREDICTING- HIS DEATH. "To crucify. . . and the third day He shall be raised up." At the Transfiguration the suffering and death of Christ was fully set forth; twice since that occasion had He told them of His coming crucifixion; now for the third time He tells them that He must be delivered to death. To Christ it is all perfectly clear. His cision is undimned; it was for this He h i d come and for this He devoted His life. Before Him stretched, as in a LESSON VIII. Aug. 21, 1910. Jesus nearing Jerusalem. Matt. 20:17-34 OUTLINE. 1. The Predictiofl of Death and Res- urrection (17-19).

a foreign field and quite another to be a missionary at home and now. (3) THE PLACE OF THE DISCIPLES. "Shall foe your servant." The ten were indignant, yèt they were themselves no better, for they had been guilty of 4he same self-seek- ing, deâiring to know who should be greatest (Mark 9:33-39; Luke 22:34). In the Lord's realm there can be no ambition for lordship in His kingdom. He would be greatest who had served best. The disciples failed to understand the Mission of the King. He came to be servant of his subjects. He sought no position or possessions; He asked no favor or flattery; He was a King but his regal right was to be established in a f ar different way than that of earthly kings. His conquest was to be through a Cross. Two men were to have a place upon tïie right and left, but they were two, thieves (Matt. 27:38). The disciples failed also to understand the method of His Kingdom. He reverses the natural order of honor in service. • In all the world ând all through the ages it has been the custom to count Him honored who is served. This is the glory of our God, who is the all ministering cne. He waits upon men, hears their cry, sends forth His bless- ' ings. In ten thousand ways' He minis- ters to man's needs' every- day. ? This is the glory of the Man Christ. You can never think of Him as seeking aught for Himself-—always, evérywhere, He is as one who serveth (Luke 22:27). ile served at the sacrifice of all that was possibly dear to Him, and served lovingly, loyally and constantly. "Seek- est thou great things for thyself, seek thèm not " '(Jer. 45:5) ; this is the lan- guage of the life of Christ and such should be that of His followers. " I f any man serve Me, him will my Father honor," (John 12:26). The place of service is the place of sacrifice and suffering, but it is also thé place of glory and joy (1 Pet. 4:13). The life of Christ is one of service, from the time He laid aside His royal robes and took upon Him thè form of à servant— through all the years of toil on earth, through all the centuries, at the right hand of the Father as Intercessor, and in the ages to come He will be the ser- vant of men. (4) THE PRAYER FOR SIGHT. "Lord that our eyes may be opened. ' ' Still on the way, at Jericho, H e is halted by the cry of the blind men. The. writers differ in the details concerning

this miracle, but all agree concerning the main facts. If there were two, there was one, and that is all that con- cerns us (Mark 10:46-12, Luke 18:35- 43). Affliction has a Voice, and Christ has an open Ear. The servant is ready to respond to any call for help. Not. to have responded would be to have dis- credited His Mission (Isa. 35:5, 42:1, Luke 4:17-18). The multitude would have stifled the cry. There are always those who are more particular concern- ing the proprieties of life than they are about the suffering of the needy. The beggars were importunate, " t h e y cried the more.'' They wanted help, and they wanted it then. He was passing by; it was His last journey; their deep need stimulated their desire, and they plead for mercy. They wera incessant; they kept up the cry (Luke 18:1). They believed on Him and called Him the Son of David, manifesting their faith. The prayer of faith is always success- ful. He heaid; He stood still. All af- fairs must wait upon Him who stops to minister to a beggar.' He called them to Him. His voice was sweet music to their trained ears. His heart was s'irred with that compassion which only He knows, and He touched their eyes and they saw. Magic touch; mighty touch. They saw! First of all they saw Him; whatever else they saw He attracted them, and joyfully they turned their backs upon Jericho and became a part of that throng that fol- lowed in the way. ' ' What a Wonder- ful Savior is Jesus, my Jesus: What a wonderful Savior, is Jesus my L o r d . " LESSON IX. S -nday, August 28, 1910. JESUS NEAfclNG- JERUSALEM. Matt. 21:17-34. " Golden Text—(Matt. 20:28). THEME: THE KING'S HOME COMING. OUTLINE. 1. The King Honored by the Con- course 1-11 2. The King's House Cleansed..-....12-13 3. The King Healing the Calami- • töus 14- 4. The King Hushing Criticism 15-17 Following the feast in Simon's house, Jesus spent a quiet Sabbath night in Bethany. We can imagine him domi- ciled in the happy home of his beloved friends, Mary and Martha, whose house was no doubt his headquarters during those last days of his earthly pilgrim- age. How differently had Judas spent

the night, closeted with the foes of Christ and bargaining for his betray- al (Mark 14:10). He had made an agreement with hell, and now awaited an opportunity to give to His Master the traitorous kiss by which he was to fulfill the Scripture and seal his own doom. THE KING HONORED. "Hosanna to the Son of David." I t is Passover Week, the most event- f ul of all weeks in the earthly history of the King. Jesus, accompanied by his disciples and friends and a great concourse of people, started for the .Tewish capital. It was the time of the Passover feast, thousands of pilgrims thronged the road. Many had come by way of Bethany out of curiosity, to see the tomb in which Lazarus had lain, or perhaps to see Lazarus himself. The King is about to make the final proffer of the Kingdom to the Jews. He must be accepted either as their King or their Sacrifice. At Bethpage He exercised His sov- ereign right to His subjects' property by sending two disciples (Luke 22:8) to secure a colt and its mother, which they were to find as He directed. Their authority was: " T h e Lord hath need of t h em . '' These messengers exercised the truth faith by obeying their Mas- ter, and found it " E v e n as he s a i t h" (Tohn 2:5, 15:14, Luke 19:32). The disciples acknowledged His Kingship by putting their own garments upon the colt (2 Kings 9:13). The multitude cast their own garments upon the way, and others cast branches of olive and figs in the way. Thus in the most minute detail was the prophecy fulfilled (Zech. 9:9). The people lift their voices in "Ho s a n na to the Son of D a v i d ." "Blessed is the King of Is- rael that cometh in the name of the L o r d " (John 12:13), Psa. 118:25-26). The excitement was intense; the whole multitude was moved. How vast the throng we can not imagine; probably two millions of people were in attend- ance upon' the feast. The outbreak was supernatural and. spontaneous. This is the most eventful scene in the ministry rf Christ, and unlike any other in His history. Biding upon the foal of an ass suggests that He was the Prince of Peace, all powerful, but meek and low- ly; his subjects the common people, poor pilgrims like Himself. At His chariot wheels are his trophies, not bound, but those who had once been bound but now fTee, the lame, blind and halt now leap-

ing, walking and praising God. Truly this is the King and of such is His king- dom. Moving out from the city of the ,King comes another multitude, catch- ing up the strain of hosanna and swell- . 1 , ie chorus of praise. At the brow of the Mt, of Olives the city itself burse in view, the golden-domed temple flashing the glory of the noonday sun. Looking upon the city He wept over it (Luke 19:41-44). He loved it, but its real glory had departed. What a con- trast between the shouting populace and the weeping Prince. There in that city were the chief priests, His ene- mies; there He must suffer condemna- tion; from there be led as a lamb to the slaughter, and upon that city must come the awful judgment of His Fath- er.. If the prophecy concerning His ad- vent in Jerusalem was so definitely ful- filled, how say some that the prophecy concerning his second advent will not be literally fulfilled? He will come again in person; His feet will stand upon the same Mount of Olives; He will come in glory to reign —not upon t he colt of an ass, but upon the war- rior's charger (Bev. 19:11-16). All the Scriptures will be fulfilled to the very letter. THE KING'S HOUSE CLEANSED. "And cast out all of them." The following day Jesus went into the temple and drove out the money changers. These were the traders who had an assortment of victims for the accommodation .of those who came to the feast, and also who had the sacred shekel which only could be used for offerings in the Temple. The business was legitimate but it had no place in the Temple, and it was no doubt con- ducted in an unscrupulous way. The Lord assumes His sovereign place and drives out the men as He did at the beginning of His ministry (John 2:13- 17). Then He called the Temple " M y F a t h e r 's House." Now He calls it ' ' My House.'' This act was also a ful- fillment of Scripture (Jer. 7:11). The Temple is a place of worship; a dwell- ing place for God. If His power is to be manifested, the house must be clean. The first act of the Holy Spirit in tak- ing possession of our bodies is to cleanse them. No church building is to be compared to the Temple. The bodies of believers is God's only dwelling place now (1 Cor. 6:19-20). They should be kept sacred for His use. This act of the Lord was no doubt sym- bolic, and when He comes the second

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