King's Business - 1910-08



so this rule, peace be on them and mercy (Gal. 6:16). Let us walk by this same rule, let us mind the same things (Phil. 3:16).

17:1). He had the secret of fellowship and the assurance of God's everlasting covenant with him and his seed (Gen. 12:1-3). As many as walk according

Institute Items.

APPRECIATION OF THE CLASS WORE. WE, the officers and interested pro- moters of the Bible Class recently held in Anaheim under the charge of Mr. B. Hadden, wish to express to you our sin- cere appreciation of the work done, and t he good accomplished in our city by t h a t work. I t has served to bring the churches into closer harmony, as well as to open t he eyes of many, in a wonderful way, to the true blessedness of " S e a r c h i ng the Scriptures." Yours very truly, J. F. WALKEB, (Principal of High School). W. M. WICKETT, M. McAULAY, HEEBEET A. JOHNSON. TESTIMONY FEOM THE SHOP WOBK. " I was a deacon in my church back in the old home tcwn, was Superintend- e nt in the Sunday School and leader of th3 choir. Since coming here I have drifted, grown cold and indifferent, then finally began through associations to drink. I weekly receive letters from t he pastor and old friends in the church, encouraging me in the work, a nd I dare not let them know. My h art ;s almost broken. Pray for m e . " The opportunities are great. The work is not always smooth, for there a re times of direct opposition. Be- m^mber the work as you pray. Frtro Peport of the President of the Fuvvrrth League of Boyle Heights M. E. Church. " Th o u gh not a part of our League work, but still having a peculiar rela- tionship thereto, is our Epworth Be- Tean Bible Study Class of our Sunday School. For some time the need was t - jt by many of us for a Bible Study Class; one where we might prepare our- selves foT personal Christian work, and through kindness of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles we were put in touch w i th our present teacher, Mrs.. Neth.

The organization of this class, which has now an enrollment of something over thirty and an average attendance of about twenty, has meant, is still and' will continue meaning advancement in the religious life of our young people who are touched by it and its influ- ences. It is undoubtedly true that one of the several things that tend to weaken the influences of our Sunday Schools and Churches in this time is that the young people connected with 1hem are not placed under the care of those competent to instruct them in the fundamental principles of our be- liefs, and they, as a result, grow up more or less ignorant of scriptural truths, and in their turn are placed as teachers in our schools, though they are utterly incompetent in the very truth of the Word. It is the young people's own recognition of this condi- tion that makes them welcome, yes thrice welcome, any opportunity they may have to get under capable Chris- tian teachers. I believe Boyle Heights Church is feeling, and will feel more and more as we are developed, the ef- fects of the thoroughly biblical teach- ings of Mrs. Neth through this class." INSTITUTE NOTES. J. E. P r a tt spent the month of July at Mt. Hermon Bible Assembly. He had charge of the Bible class work and a great opportunity for seed sowing. He will be in charge of the Institute classes during August. E. A. Hadden is taking a much-need- ed rest at Catalina. He is preparing a vigorous campaign for the extension work for the fall and winter. J. H. Sammis will be at Mt. Hermon during August, where he will have a large field for service with the. Book. W. L. Tucker has returned from an extended trip abroad, which included attendance upon the great missionary conference at Edinburg. He has a number of engagements for conference work, and will be on hand for the Fri- day evening class in the fall.

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