King's Business - 1910-08

(1) Confess past failure and present- condition. This can not be hurriedly slurred over, for it involves not only the admission of sinful and unlawful things hitherto allowed in the life, but also the forsaking them (Prov. 28:13). I t means also a humble acknowledge- ment of failure" in respect of claiming the promises of God as the cause of the unsatisfying state of life, and it also necessitates a putting of all the past by faith under the Cleansing Blood (1 John 1:7-9). The past thus dealt with, there must be an honest confession of present need. Just as it is not until a man confesses his lost state that he can receive Christ as his Saviour, so like- wise it is only the man who honestly confesses " I am not filled with the Holy S p i r i t" who can ever receive the Holy Spirit in fullness. Unadmitted need has no claim upon God. (2) Yield to God the • whole life. This is a practical acknowledgement of God's claim to possess those who are redeemed by the Precious Blood of Christ. We are His,—spirit, soul and body—purchased at the Cross; but much of the unsatisfactoriness of life in the past has been due to the fact that we have not allowed His rule, and have lived as though our lives were our own. Tnere must then be a definite correc- tion of attitude towards Him by a yielding of ourselves without reserva- tion, for the outcome of " I b e l i e v e" can not be other than " I belong." We are His by sovereign right, and to yield to His ownership and control is but our "reasonable s e r v i c e" (Rom. 12:1). Let this step then be taken in all hon- esty of heart; let us present ourselves before Him with all we are and have; let nothing be withheld, and in that same moment He accepts us, saying " J have redeemed thee, thou art M i n e ." (3) Claim the promise of the Holy Spirit. Now we are on the ground where we may not only ask, but claim. In the deepest sense the g i ft of the Spirit is now our right under the Cove- n a n t; and in the same way as a man claims from a banker the amount writ- ten upon the check which he presents, faith must claim the prrsert fulfillment of God's purpose. "WHAT SOEVER ye shall ask the Father in My Name, He will give it y o u " (John 16:23). There can then be no question as to God's willingness to fill His people with His Spirit, for the Cross seals to them the promise which is their birthright

FISHERMEN'S CLUB ITEMS. The following officers were selected to serve for the ensuing six months: President, Jesse Martin. Vice President, Robert Glaze. The Club was never more prosper- ous. The summer attendance is larger than ever before, and the interest is constantly growing. Calls keep coming for Sunday serv- ices from the city churches and t"he outlying districts. The Evangelistic Band of the Club, consisting of Elliott Barrett, Alden Pratt, Theodore Smith and William Colby, left for Riverside county the middle of July. The band is well equipped with a camp wagon and team, a good tent and the necessary para- phernalia for evangelistic services. The work will be largely among the young people, and we look for great re- sults. One of the club members con- tributed the money to purchase one of the horses. A large number of the Club attended t he San Jose Christian Endeavor con- vention. and their influence was felt in the definite soul saving work. THE FALL WORK. The Institute will convene for TegU: lar class work Monday, September 12. We expect to have a week of special Bible teaching from the best men available. Those desiring to enter the regular classes are requested to enroll as early as possible. "PRAYING ALWAYS." We can not put too much emphasis upon the necessity for prayer in con- nection with our institute work. We recognize the hand of God in the bless- ings which have been so graciously poured out upon the workers, and covet for every department and every mem- ber the incessant intercession of the friends. The work is absorbing and calls for continued outlay of nervous energy. The real operating power is with God. Will you not plead that wisdom and power may be given to each one of His servants connected with the work, and that all may labor unselfishly for the glory' of the Christ of God? ' THE SECRET OF POWER. Now to any seeking soul there are five simple steps which, if honestly taken by one who is prepared to go all lengths with God, will prove as the pathway to a personal Pentecost, and as the payment of the price of power.

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