King's Business - 1910-08

"BEST BOOKS" Room 2, Bible Institute, Los Angeles Phones: A4762, Main 1313 OUR SPECIALTY, the "SCOFIELD" ANNOTATED BIBLE. PRICES FROM $2 TO $10. OXFORD BIBLES and TESTAMENTS, BIBLES and TESTAMENTS, IN ALL LANGUAGES. SCHOLARLY WRITINGS. By Sir Robert Anderson. "The Coming Prince" "The Silence of God" "A Doubter's Doubts" "Human Destiny" ON TIMELY TOPICS BY A TRUTH-TELLER. "The World and Its God" "Man's Day" "Life in the Word" "The Number of Man" Philip Mauro, Counsellor-at-Law. FOR PERSONAL WORKERS. "Won by One," by Rev. M. T. Lamb 25 cts. "Truth for You," by Dr. Sammis. - - - - 10 and 25 cts. This is a full Compendium of Doctrines and Helps in Refuting the "isms" of the Day. THE MOODY COLPORTAGE LIBRARY. Bound in Paper - - 15 cts., 2 for 25 In a variety of subjects and auth- ors. OTHER BOOKS BY C. I. SCO-««™» r ^ r . ^ r> , , FIELD, G. CAMPBELL ™ T r a c t s a n d B o o k l e t s " MORGAN, J. STUART ^nidens Concordance $1.00 HOLDEN, R. A. Jamison, Fawcette & Brown's . TORREY. Commentary, 4 vols. - - $8.00 GREAT BOOKS BY DR. AR- THUR T. PIERSON. "The Bible and Spiritual Life" "Many Infallible Proofs" "Shall We Continue in Sin?" ON CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. "The Religio-Medical Masque- rade" "The Antidote for Christian Sci- ence" A Story: "The Eddyite" "The Christian Science Delusion" FOR BIBLE STUDENTS. "How to Study the Bible," Dr. Haldeman. "Primers of the Faith," Dr. Gray. "The Gospel and Its Ministry," Anderson. "Four Portraits of the Lord Jes- us Christ," By Dr. Geo. Sol- tau. "Lectures on the Apocalypse," Dr. Joseph A. Seiss. 3 Volumes $2.50 per set

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